W16 Engine: Intake Manifold

W16 Engine: Intake Manifold


In this post about the W16 engine I will present the build of the intake manifold through top-down design.


See detailed explanations in the extended entry at the end of the post.

Download Intake Manifold.

Thank you for reading about this build and stay tuned for the next post which will detail the build of the exhaust manifolds, turbo compressors and their integration with the intake manifold.


George Bucsan

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Aerospace Engineering, 2014

... Continued

Motor W16: Blocul Motor si Chiulasele

Motor W16: Blocul Motor si Chiulasele

The English version of this post can be found here.

In acest post despre motorul W16 voi arata cum am calculate unghiurile de faza ale axelor cu came si apoi voi detalia cuplarea componentelor din chiulase cu restul motorului.


O alta animatie care permite vizualizarea componentelor in miscare dintr-un cadru fix poate fi gasita aici.

Vezi explicatii detaliate in extended entry la sfarsitul postarii.

La rugamintea unui cititor voi atasa un fisier zip cu intregul motor si dar voi ascunde (hide) piesele care nu au fost prezentate inca. Descarca aici.

Va multumesc pentru ca ati citit despre aceasta constructie. Continuati sa cititi urmatoarele postari in care voi detalia crearea galeriei de admisie prin design top-down.

George Bucsan

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Aerospace Engineering, 2014

... Continued

W16 Engine: Block and Cylinder Heads

W16 Engine: Block and Cylinder Heads

In this post about the W16 engine I will show the calculation of the camshaft phase angles and then detail the mating of the components in the cylinder heads with the rest of the engine.



Another animation that better allows to see the full movement of the engine can be found here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ci7m0j5iCAQ).

See detailed explanations in the extended entry at the end of the post.

At the request of a reader I will upload the complete assembly but hide the parts that I have not presented yet. Download Engine.


Thank you for reading about this build and stay tuned for the next post which will detail the build of the intake manifold through top-down design strategy.

George Bucsan

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Aerospace Engineering, 2014

... Continued

Motor W16: In interiorul Chiulasei

Motor W16: In interiorul Chiulasei

The English version of this post can be found here.

In acest post despre motorul W16 voi detalia constructia principalelor componente din chiulasa: tachetii, valvele si axele cu came.


Explicatiile detaliate despre constructia componentelor pot fi gasite in “extended entry” la sfarsitul postarii.

Descarca ansamblul ax cu came, valvele si ansamblele tachetilor.

Va multumesc pentru ca ati citit despre aceasta constructie. Continuati sa cititi urmatoarele postari ce vor prezenta calcularea unghiurilor de faza de pe axul cu came si crearea ansamblului – Chiulasa.

George Bucsan

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Aerospace Engineering, 2014

... Continued

W16 Engine: Inside the Cylinder Head

W16 Engine: Inside the Cylinder Head

In this post about the W16 engine I will detail the build of the main internal parts of the Cylinder Head: the rocker fingers, the valves and the camshaft.


See detailed explanations in the extended entry at the end of the post.

Download the camshaft assembly, the valves and the rocker finger assembly.

Thank you for reading about this build and stay tuned for the next post which will detail the calculation of the camshaft phase angles and the mating of the components that go inside the cylinder heads.

George Bucsan

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Aerospace Engineering, 2014

... Continued

Motor W16: Chiulasa (Partea III)

Motor W16: Chiulasa (Partea III)

The English version of this post can be found here

In acest ultim post despre Chiulasa motorului W16 voi “repara” piesa facuta pana acum si o voi adapta si pentru V-ul drept al motorului.

W16 block with cylinder heads

Explicatiile detaliate despre constructia chiulasei pot fi gasite in “extended entry” la sfarsitul postarii.

Va multumesc pentru ca ati citit despre aceasta constructie. Continuati sa cititi urmatoarele postari ce vor prezenta componentele in miscare din interiorul chiulasei is mate-urile folosite la conectarea si crearea miscarii lor.


George Bucsan

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Aerospace Engineering, 2014

... Continued

Motor W16: Chiulasa (Partea II)

Motor W16: Chiulasa (Partea II)

The English version of this post can be found here.

In acest post despre Motorul W16 voi continua sa descriu constructia chiulasei pana la momentul in care am crezut ca am terminat si am observat ca am facut o gresala inca de la inceput, la copierea schitei de pe bloc.

W16 cylinder head section

Explicatiile detaliate despre constructia chiulasei pot fi gasite in “extended entry” la sfarsitul postarii.

Va multumesc pentru ca ati citit despre aceasta constructie. Continuati sa cititi urmatoarele postari ce vor prezenta „repararea” chiulasei si conversia ei pentru V-ul drept al motorului.


George Bucsan

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Aerospace Engineering, 2014

... Continued

Motor W16: Chiulasa (Partea I)

Motor W16: Chiulasa (Partea I)

The English version of this post can be found here.

Voi incepe acest post despre motorul W16 prin a descrie chiulasa si cum functioneaza. Apoi, voi incepe sa detaliez constructia ca de fiecare data.

W16 camcase

Descarca fisierul

Explicatiile detaliate despre constructia chiulasei pot fi gasite in “extended entry” la sfarsitul postarii.

Va multumesc pentru ca ati citit despre aceasta constructie. Continuati sa cititi urmatoarele postari ce vor continua constructia chiulasei.

George Bucsan

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Aerospace Engineering, 2014

... Continued

W16 Engine: The Cylinder Head (Part 3)

W16 Engine: The Cylinder Head (Part 3)

In this final post about the Cylinder Head of the W16 engine I will “repair” the part I made thus far and also adapt it for the right side of the engine.

W16 block with cylinder heads
See detailed explanations in the extended entry at the end of the post.

Download the finished Left and Right Cylinder Ceads.

You can find the previous part of this post here.

Thank you for reading about this build and stay tuned for the next post which will detail the build of the components that go inside the cylinder head and the mates used to connect and make them move.


George Bucsan

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Aerospace Engineering, 2014

... Continued

W16 Engine: The Cylinder Head (Part 2)

W16 Engine: The Cylinder Head (Part 2)

In this post about the W16 Engine I will continue describing the cylinder head’s build up until the point I initially thought it is ready, but then realized it is flipped upside down.

You can find the first part of this post here.

W16 cylinder head section

Download the part file.

See detailed explanations in the extended entry at the end of the post.

Thank you for reading about this build and stay tuned for the next post which will continue the with the cylinder head’s „repair” and conversion for the right side of the engine.


George Bucsan

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Aerospace Engineering, 2014

... Continued

W16 Engine: The Cylinder Head (Part 1)

W16 Engine: The Cylinder Head (Part 1)

In this post about the W16 Engine I will start describing the cylinder head and how it works. Then I’ll start detailing the build as usually.

W16 camcase

The file: Download Camcase Left.

See detailed explanations in the extended entry at the end of the post.

Thank you for reading about this build and stay tuned for the next post which will continue the build of the cylinder head.


George Bucsan

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Aerospace Engineering, 2014

... Continued

Motor W16: Prima Animatie

Motor W16: Prima Animatie

The English posting of this blog is located here.

In acest post despre motorul W16 voi crea un ansamblu partial si voi face componentele deja prezente sa arate si sa se miste ca un motor real. Ca de obicei, aceasta constructie va fi foarte detaliata.

W16 Block Pistons Crankcase Crankshaft Assembly Solidworks

Descarca fisierele.


Explicatiile detaliate despre constructia blocului pot fi gasite in “extended entry” la sfarsitul postarii.

Va multumesc pentru ca ati citit despre aceasta constructie. Continuati sa cititi urmatoarele postari ce vor include o piesa foarte importanta si complicata: chiulasa.


George Bucsan

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Aerospace Engineering, 2014

... Continued

W16 Engine: The First Animation

W16 Engine: The First Animation

In this post about the W16 Engine I will create a partial assembly and make the parts presented thus far look and move like an engine. As usual, this build will be thoroughly detailed.

W16 Block Pistons Crankcase Crankshaft Assembly Solidworks

Download Block-Crankshaft-Pistons


See detailed explanations in the extended entry at the end of the post.

Thank you for reading about this build and stay tuned for the next post which will include the complex Camcase part.


George Bucsan

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Aerospace Engineering, 2014

... Continued

Motor W16: Vilbrochenul

Motor W16: Vilbrochenul

The English posting of this blog is located here

In a 4-a parte a seriei despre motorul W16 voi prezenta vilbrochenul si voi explica detaliat constructia lui.

W16 Crankshaft Solidworks

Download Crankshaft

Explicatiile detaliate despre constructia blocului pot fi gasite in “extended entry” la sfarsitul postarii.

Va multumesc pentru ca ati citit despre aceasta constructie. Continuati sa cititi urmatoarele postari ce vor include ansamblul Block-Crankshaft-Pistons (bloc-arbore cotit-pistoane) si animarea lui.


George Bucsan

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Aerospace Engineering, 2014

... Continued

W16 Engine: The Crankshaft

W16 Engine: The Crankshaft

In this fourth post about the W16 Engine I will introduce the Crankshaft and detail its build.

W16 Crankshaft Solidworks

Download Crankshaft

See detailed explanation in the extended entry at the end of the post.

Thank you for reading about this build and stay tuned for the next post which will include the Block-Crankshaft-Pistons assembly and its animation.


George Bucsan

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Aerospace Engineering, 2014

... Continued