SOLIDWORKS, Cloud Storage and PLM for Sponsored Student Teams
For over 20 years, SOLIDWORKS has sponsored student teams that partipate in regional, national and international competitions. We have walked the fields, paddocks and pits, in all kinds of weather, to talk to students. The SOLIDWORKS Edu team and our
... Continued3DEXPERIENCE Works Lesson 4: SOLIDWORKS and Lifecycle Maturity States
The 3DEXPERIENCE Add In provides access to cloud storage and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) apps that enable student teams and organizations to control and track large amounts of SOLIDWORKS data from part and assembly files to simulation scenarios and manufacturing documents. With PLM, you can teach good engineering practices to help students not only in school but in future jobs.
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SOLIDWORKS continues to be a necessary job skill for design and engineering professionals and as a result is taught in schools from middle school and high schools, technical institution and college and universities. SOLIDWORKS desktop is connected to cloud
... Continued3DEXPERIENCE Works Lesson #3: SOLIDWORKS Bookmarks, Share and Delete
In my experience, most students do not fully understand that they need to save their assembly document along with the reference components in the same folder (Save vs. Save As). I’ve had numerous students open their assembly or drawing only to ask, “Where are my parts?” This lesson uses Bookmarks and cloud storage to help students understand references and delete them – all within the SOLIDWORKS session.
... Continued3DEXPERIENCE Works Lesson 2: SOLIDWORKS Save and Revision
Students need to understand how to save files, where to save files, how to name files, and create revisions, especially when using assemblies. One of the best simple practices for SOLIDWORKS data is to create bookmarks upon the initial save to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
... ContinuedTekyaz Showcases 3DEXPERIENCE, SOLIDWORKS, Apps for Kids at ETZ2023
Over 1000 Educators attended the Edu Tech Summit (ETZ 2023) event with the help of SOLIDWORKS Value Added Reseller, Tekyaz. Educators were introduced to our latest technology with the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, highlighting new practicing in teaching and learning with SOLIDWORKS
... Continued3DEXPERIENCE Works Lesson #1: Getting Started with SOLIDWORKS and the Platform
What is the 3DEXPERIENCE platform? Why should I use the platform? How does it work within my SOLIDWORKS session? To find out the answer to these questions, review Getting Started with SOLIDWORKS and the Platform.
... ContinuedSOLIDWORKS Sponsors Spaceport America Cup
The Spaceport America Cup is the world’s largest Intercollegiate Rocket Engineering Competition (IREC) for student rocketry teams. So where in the world do you host a rocket competition? Spaceport America is located between Las Cruces, New Mexico and Truth or
... ContinuedSOLIDWORKS xDesign Lesson 12: Additional Resources
After teaching 1000’s of students and writing about SOLIDWORKS for over 25 years, David Planchard, emeritus WPI, is exploring xDesign. Through the SOLIDWORKS xDesign Lesson series, David helps educators understand the differences and similarities between xDesign and
... ContinuedNot a Tractor – A Way of Thinking
You do not have to be a farmer’s daughter to understand the significance of a tractor on a small farm. I learned this lesson when I was a little girl with my parents and grandparents, along with the importance of
... Continued4Speed F1 in Schools Portugal Designs with SOLIDWORKS
The SOLIDWORKS EDU team loves this time of year. It’s competition season in schools. No matter what your age, there are great design challenges all over the world. We sponsor 1000’s of teams with SOLIDWORKS desktop. We received a request
... ContinuedNuts, Bolts and Thingamajigs Host 240 Manufacturing Camps
Welding in the morning. Machining at noon. Robotics to end the day. This sounds like my type of camp. Nuts, Bolts and Thingamajigs (NBT) is the foundation of Fabricators and Manufacturers Association. Their mission is to keep manufacturing in America
... ContinuedSOLIDWORKS xDesign Lesson 11: Sketch Based and Applied Features
Through the years of teaching SOLIDWORKS, I tell my students important basics. 1. Select the correct sketch plane. 2. Keep the Base sketch simple. 3. Use constraints (geometric relations) before dimensions. 4. Keep features simple. Similar basics apply with SOLIDWORKS xDesign.
... Continued3DEXPERIENCE Works EDU Spotlight:Nadir Oktay Küçükaltun – I Can Fully Realize My Dreams
Nadir Oktay Küçükaltun is a SOLIDWORKS Champion, our SOLIDWORKS User Group Leader (SWUG) Leader in Turkey, 3DEXPERIENCE EDU Champion, and winner of SOLIDWORKS Student Model Mania in 2023. Known to the SOLIDWORKS community and his friends as Nadiro, he has
... ContinuedSOLIDWORKS xDesign Lesson #10: Sketching, Constraints, Dimensions
Design intent manages the relationship between sketches in a feature, features in a part, and parts in an assembly. Students need to understand design intent in a sketch, using constraints and dimensions. Let’s start with a simple example using xDesign.
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