SOLIDWORKS xDesign Lesson #7: Assemblies
In this lesson, import three SOLIDWORKS parts (Windows) into xDesign and save to a Collaborative space (cloud) . From the Collaborative space insert the three components, one at a time, into the Rocket assembly. The first component is inserted to the Origin and is fixed. All other components are inserted to the Origin and are not fixed. Use mates to represent the physical behavior of the model.
... ContinuedInnovation in Education: 3DEXPERIENCE SOLIDWORKS and Yıldız Technical University
Imagine if engineering students could share information about their projects and collaborate with their professors and each other. Imagine if student teams use project planning and product life cycle management tools to understand skills required by future employers. Imagine if
... ContinuedSOLIDWORKS EDU Spotlight – Nicholas Kremer Just Went Pro with Dassault Systemes
Congratulations to Nicholas Kramer, our new DELMIAWorks User Success Engineering Associate, within Manufacturing, Automation & Manufacturing Execution User Success Engineering. I first met Nick through Chief Delphi, a community portal for FIRST Robotics Competition and FIRST Tech Challenge teams. Nick
... ContinuedSOLIDWORKS xDesign Lesson #6: Importing Files and Using Bookmarks
Have you created 1000’s of SOLIDWORKS parts, assemblies and drawings? You can import SOLIDWORKS parts and SOLIDWORKS assemblies (.zip) into SOLIDWORKS xDesign. One of the best simple practices for SOLIDWORKS data is to create bookmarks upon the initial save to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
... ContinuedSOLIDWORKS xDesign Lesson #4: Create a Dashboard
Students need to understand how apps work together to design components. Create a new Dashboard with three important apps (Widgets) for a classroom environment SOLIDWORKS xDesign, 3DSpace (cloud storage), and Bookmark Editor (view and manage files).
... ContinuedSOLIDWORKS xDesign Lesson #3: Sketch Planes
One of the most difficult areas I’ve seen with my students is where do they start the design. What sketch plane do they select? Most xDesign features start with a sketch. The default reference planes are: xy (Top), yz (Front), and zx (Right). This lesson takes you through creating a cylinder with a circular sketch on different reference planes.
... ContinuedEducators, Students, Attend 3DEXPERIENCE World – Streaming and On-Demand
SOLIDWORKS Educators and SOLIDWORKS Students you can attend 3DEXPERIENCE World February 13 – February 15, 2023 from anywhere in the world, streaming and on-demand. And if you register, you can view great technical break out sessions, design and teaching tips,
... ContinuedEducators Get Ready for 3DEXPERIENCE World 2023
Educators. Do you teach SOLIDWORKS-based courses, use SOLIDWORKS for your research, or want to explore new technology from SOLIDWORKS? Then 3DEXPERIENCE World 2023 is the place to be in Nashville, TN, February 12 – 15, 2023. If you can’t attend
... ContinuedSOLIDWORKS xDesign Lesson #2: Mouse Control and Collaborative Space
The SOLIDWORKS xDesign Lesson series helps educators understand the difference between teaching SOLIDWORKS and xDesign to students. Understand mouse control, 3DEXPERIENCE User Assistance (Help) and Collaborative Space – before students make their first part.
... ContinuedSOLIDWORKS xDesign Lesson #1: Getting Started
After teaching 1000’s of students and writing about SOLIDWORKS for over 25 years, David Planchard, emeritus WPI, is exploring xDesign. Through the SOLIDWORKS xDesign Lesson series, David helps educators understand the differences and similarities between xDesign and
... ContinuedFree Event for Engineering & Design Students That Love SOLIDWORKS
Students get ready for the most exciting event in your engineering, manufacturing and design career! On February 12-15, 2023, DASSAULT SYSTEMES, 3DEXPERIENCE Works, and the SOLIDWORKS team will host 3DEXPERIENCE World 2023. You will witness thousands of designers, engineers, educators
... ContinuedKorea’s GyouBeom Kim Publishes 3DEXPERIENCE SOLIDWORKS Text Book
Professor GyouBeom Kim, Catholic Kwandong University (Located in the City of Gangneung, South Korea), is our latest SOLIDWORKS Education advocate to develop new content based on 3DEXPERIENCE SOLIDWORKS and SOLIDWORKS Cloud CAD apps (xDesign, xShape). With the help of our
... ContinuedDiversity. Sustainability. Aakruti 2022!
Aligned with DASSAULT SYSTEMES goals of diversity and sustainability, Aakruti 2022, India’s nationwide product design contest, presented the best in innovation and technology. Students developed innovative solutions to solve both technological and social problems – aligned to the United Nations
... ContinuedStudents in Turkey Succeed with 3DEXPERIENCE in Design & Certification
We are fortunate to have dedicated professionals that inspire young students. SOLIDWORKS Champion and Tekyaz reseller, Ridvan Polat shared his latest outreach with students from the elementary school, Ankara Sınav Koleji Ortaokulu and their teacher, Serap Özgül. The students started
... ContinuedDiscover Job xSkills with Cloud Apps for Students By SOLIDWORKS
Meet our xSkills super heroes by SOLIDWORKS R&D. Visit our xSkills site and follow their story through fun activities and binge – watching videos as our heroes help you navigate through design challenges and prepare for great school projects and
... Continued