SOLIDWORKS xDesign Lesson 12: Additional Resources

       After teaching 1000’s of students and writing about SOLIDWORKS for over 25 years, David Planchard, emeritus WPI, is exploring xDesign.  Through the SOLIDWORKS xDesign Lesson series, David helps educators understand the differences and similarities between xDesign and SOLIDWORKS through simple examples. He also introduces new apps in the engineering design process.            

I’ve been excited to explore SOLIDWORKS xDesign and the 3DEXPERIENCE platform with simple examples for the past 11 weeks.

Where do you find additional resources on xDesign?


One of my favorite streaming shows is SOLIDWORKS Live featuring interviews with customers and employees on design, manufacturing, simulation and education.  Intro to 3D CAD with host, Sean O’Neill and application engineer/designer for Battlebots,Team Malice, Mike Britton, uses xDesign to explore basic and advanced techniques in learning CAD. Shows are recorded and available on-demand.

From, select Training.  Search for xDesign.  Select Explore the 3D Creator Role. The 3D Creator Role contains the app, xDesign.


SOLIDWORKS has their own YouTube Channel.  Here is one xDesign playlist.

3DEXPERIENCE Academic Community

After you create a 3DEXPERIENCE ID, Educators, can get more information on xDesign and SOLIDWORKS.  Request to join the 3DEXPERIENCE Academic Community for free at

3DEXPERIENCE Student Community  

Students, join the student community for free at  Check out great posts on Mechanism Mondays, FEA Fridays, Solid Saturdays (animations), Formula Student, Formula SAE exercises and a great WIKI for FIRST Robotics.

SOLIDWORKS xDesign Revisited

The browser-based  xDesign app is a cloud design tool built on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform by Dassault Systèmes. There is no software installation.

From default reference planes, view orientation, Design Manager and new workflows, below are the xDesign lessons that focus on the differences you will experience as a SOLIDWORKS Educator.

SOLIDWORKS xDesign Lesson #1: Getting Started

SOLIDWORKS xDesign Lesson #2: Mouse Control and Collaborative Space

SOLIDWORKS xDesign Lesson #3: Sketch Planes

SOLIDWORKS xDesign Lesson #4: Create A Dashboard

SOLIDWORKS xDesign Lesson #5: Views and Orientations

SOLIDWORKS xDesign Lesson #6: Importing Files and Using Bookmarks

SOLIDWORKS xDesign Lesson #7: Assemblies

SOLIDWORKS xDesign Lesson #8: 4Bar Linkage and Kinematics

SOLIDWORKS xDesign Lesson #9: External References and Copy with Mates

SOLIDWORKS xDesign Lesson #10: Sketching, Constraints and Dimensions

SOLIDWORKS xDesign Lesson #11: Sketch Based and Applied Features

What’s next?   Next week, let’s return to SOLIDWORKS desktop and explore new options with the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.

Design well, Marie

Marie Planchard

Marie Planchard

Senior Director, Early Engagement, 3DEXPERIENCE Works at Dassault Systemes
Marie Planchard is an education and engineering advocate. As Senior Director of Education & Early Engagement, SOLIDWORKS, she is responsible for global development of content and social outreach across all levels of learning including educational institutions, Fab Labs, and entrepreneurship.
Marie Planchard