3DEXPERIENCE World EDU Spotlight Poland’s Silesian Phoenix Mars Rover
The 3DEXPERIENCE World 2025 (#3DXW2025) EDU Breakout sessions showcase talented educators and students to share their stories with the SOLIDWORKS Community. The story and achievements of Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland Mars Rover team will be featured at the
... ContinuedBuilding Skills for Young Adults – Douala Digital Tech Park Cameroon
Skills! The city of Douala, Cameroon, celebrates the inauguration of the Douala Digital Tech Park (DTP), an ambitious project located at the heart of the JFN HUI campus in Santa-Barbara Bonamoussadi Cameroon. This initiative, led by the Jacky Felly Nafack
... ContinuedWhat’s New in SOLIDWORKS EDU 2025!
SOLIDWORKS® Education Edition is our desktop solution packed with power and performance. Our mission is to provide students with the tools and skills they need to build their careers. SOLIDWORKS Education Edition delivers 3D design solutions to help unleash students’
... Continued3DEXPERIENCE Academy Inauguration French Consulate in Naples Italy
Guest Authors: Andrea Esposito, EDU Partner Sales Manager, Dassault Systèmes and Giulia Cappelli of CSP (Cad Solution Provider). On October 8, 2024, the 3DEXPERIENCE Academy was officially inaugurated at the Chambre (CCI France Italia) at the headquarters of the French Consulate in Naples,
... ContinuedVeterans from Craven CC Win Gold at SkillsUSA Engineering Technology – Design
SkillsUSA is the number one workforce development organization for students, empowering them to become skilled professionals, career-ready leaders and responsible community members. Through a series of local, state and national competitions, the most highly skilled career and technical education students
... ContinuedMore Jobs – More SOLIDWORKS Certifications
For the first 5 months of 2024, we had a record number of SOLIDWORKS Certification exams given by educators to their students though our SOLIDWORKS Academic Provider Program. The SOLIDWORKS Academic Provider program allows qualified institutions on subscription to give
... ContinuedMcMaster SAE Aerospace Team – It’s About Teamwork
McMaster University SAE Aerospace Team (MAST) Hamilton, Ontario, Canada competed in SAE AERO Design EAST 2024 in Lakeland, Florida, USA. The SOLIDWORKS EDU team got a chance to visit with MAST. We also received a great thank you note and
... ContinuedDIY on Memorial Day Weekend 2024
For over 12 years, SOLIDWORKS Edu team has provided the SOLIDWORKS Military Veterans Program (MVP) to US and Canadian Veterans. We also support Veterans in our Start-up program and manufacturing training organizations like Workshop for Warriors. MySolidWorks provides free online training to Veterans. MakebyMe is
... ContinuedPlastics Lesson 2: SOLIDWORKS Brush Handle and 3DEXPERIENCE Plastic Injection App
From SOLIDWORKS, save the Brush Handle part to the platform for cloud storage and PLM security. Investigate the Plastic Injection App to simulate Fill, Pack, Warp in a two-shot molding process. Refine the mesh. Use the Physics Results Explorer app to review the total displacement contour plot.
... ContinuedAAKRUTI Global 2024: Sustainable Student Design Contest for World Innovators
I am excited to introduce this week’s guest writer, my colleague, Shubham Arora, education advocate, technical consultant for Dassault Systèmes, and this year’s coordinator of AAKRUTI Global 2024, A sustainable product design contest for student innovators in 12 countries. AAKRUTI
... ContinuedCFD Lesson 4: SOLIDWORKS Duct and 3DEXPERIENCE Fluid Scenario Creation (Part 1)
Start with the SOLIDWORKS Duct part and save to cloud storage using Bookmarks in a collaborative space on the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform. Launch the Fluid Scenario Creation App from the SOLIDWORKS Task Pane. Create a Finite Element Model (FEM) and use the Assistant dialog box and Action toolbar to develop a internal flow simulation that models mechanical forces and dynamics of steady state fluid flow. Define the fluid and internal regions. Customize the Hex-dominant mesh. Apply boundary conditions and determine the pressure, flow velocity and mass flow results with the Physics Results Explorer App.
... Continued3DEXPERIENCE EDU – Your Skills. Our Future. Beyond SOLIDWORKS.
Last week, we celebrated design and innovation at 3DEXPERIENCE World in Dallas, Texas. This event saw 1000’s of engineers, designers, educators, students and makers, run to get a seat to hear the latest in Dassault Systèmes’ and SOLIDWORKS technology. 3DEXPERIENCE
... ContinuedStudent Success Showcased at 3DEXPERIENCE World 2024
This year, at 3DEXPERIENCE World Dallas, 100’s of students attended and we got to showcase their vehicles, rockets, planes, and robots. Our EDU Zone expanded the displays to include recent graduates in our Dassault Systemes 1 year technical sales training
... Continued10 Tips for Teaching Engineering, Physics and Applied Math Using SOLIDWORKS Simulation Tutorials
Are you new to teaching or an experience educator? When I got hired at Mass Bay Community College, the engineering dean said, “You are assigned four courses. You can teach anything – right? Class starts in 1 week.” Of course
... ContinuedSOLIDWORKS, Cloud Storage and PLM for Sponsored Student Teams
For over 20 years, SOLIDWORKS has sponsored student teams that partipate in regional, national and international competitions. We have walked the fields, paddocks and pits, in all kinds of weather, to talk to students. The SOLIDWORKS Edu team and our
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