Student Success Showcased at 3DEXPERIENCE World 2024

This year, at 3DEXPERIENCE World Dallas, 100’s of students attended and we got to showcase their vehicles, rockets, planes, and robots.  Our EDU Zone expanded the displays to include recent graduates in our Dassault Systemes 1 year technical sales training program, the National Institute for Aviation Research (NAIR) virtual experience, and our 3DEXPERIENCE champions.

We celebrate with the teams that participated with us for the past 4 days.  Engineers got to also attend classes on Weldments, Surface modeling, Structural Simulation, and more, from some of the best designers and analysts in our community. They participated in General Session  – running to get a seat and hear about our latest technology.

UT Dallas engineering students were a big hit, speaking to our customers and the media on a wide range of projects.  So whether you like vehicles, planes or rockets, UT Dallas students were able to answer questions and showcase their designs that compete on a world level.

UT Dallas AIAA Design Build Fly Rockets at 3DXW24 @aiaa_utd


UT Dallas Formula SAE at 3DXW24 @dallasformularacing

UT Dallas Rocket League at 3DXW24 @utdesports


What it is like to drive over rough terrain and in the mud? The engineers from Le Tourneau Texas, Renegade Racing SAE Baja team are here to answer your questions.

Le Tourneau University, Renegade Racing SAE Baja 3DXW24 @Renegade_Racing_LETU


The EDU team also thanks Suzanne Diekan, 3DS Talent Acquisition Partner and Anne-Laure Verdet, NAM Sales Ops Excellence Director for showcasing our Dassault Systemes Technical Sales Training program for recent graduates and providing hours of career training for hundreds of students at 3DXW24.  We already put our newest employees to work.


Our customers got to participate in the National Institute for Aviation Research  (NIAR) virtual experience in collaboration between Wichita State University and the 3DEXPERIENCE Center by Dassault Systemes.

Brandeis University Robotics Club at 3DXW24


We thank Ian Roy, the Founding Head of the Brandeis University’s MakerLab, adjunct professor Brandeis International Business School, and  pioneer behind Brandeis’s inaugural Engineering course. After suffering a personal tragedy, Ian set off on a mission to “use design to positively impact our community. His focus at Brandeis has been on ‘Design to Repair the World.”  Thank you to the students from Brandeis University Robotics Club for letting us have some fun this week battling it out with robots in the Playground.  Thank you for building the arena onsite  – a lot of late hours.  You can read more about Ian and his students during the General Session Day 3 interview with Suchit Jain.

I have to thank my EDU marketing colleagues for getting so many students to experience World, Simge Walsh, Valerie Lecolle, Bonny Cao,  Chris Morse, and Nirali Jain.

Any World would not be complete without thanking our educators that teach our students – at all grade levels.  Ben Nuebel, Technology Education teacher from Cherokee Trail High School shared with us a major accomplishment.  Over 2000+ of his students have received SOLIDWORKS Certifications making Cherokee Trail High School achieving the most certifications of any high school in the US. These students have won major state and national technology competitions, received internships and jobs, and attend major universities.

Ben Nuebel, Technology Education Teacher, Cherokee Trail High School, Colorado 3DXW24


Pranav Shinde, QARGOS, 2 – Wheeler Electric platform, at 3DXW24


So why do we sponsor 1000’s of student teams?  These engineers graduate and work for our commercial customers in a community of over 7.5 million that have a passion to design.  Center stage this year, Alok Das and Pranav Shinde, founders of QARGOS, worlds first cargo 2 wheeler electric platform.  As a student, Pranav participated in Formula SAE Lincoln in 2013 with his team from Smt. Kashibai Navale College of Engineering in India.


But perhaps the best story, on this Valentine’s Day, is to feature two SOLIDWORKS Champions, that assist so many on the 3DEXPERIENCE Student Community.  They give us creative designs, including the Champions City and Caravans Project.  This year both Hanen Bdioui, Application Engineer & Marketing Specialist ABBK PhysicsWorks and Ridvan Polat, Elite Application Engineer, Tekyaz got engaged last night at 3DXWorld. On behalf of the EDU team, we wish you a lifetime of happiness.

Thank you to all our students, educators, resellers, and customers that make 3DXWorld the best event of the year and maybe a lasting memory of a lifetime.


Design well. Marie


Marie Planchard

Marie Planchard

Senior Director, Early Engagement, 3DEXPERIENCE Works at Dassault Systemes
Marie Planchard is an education and engineering advocate. As Senior Director of Education & Early Engagement, SOLIDWORKS, she is responsible for global development of content and social outreach across all levels of learning including educational institutions, Fab Labs, and entrepreneurship.
Marie Planchard