Student Competition
SKIPPER 2025 Poland: Student Innovation Takes Flight in Wind Energy Design Competition
Guest Author, Agnieszka Galarowicz, junior specialist for educational partners, SOLIDWORKS reseller, SOLIDEXPERT POLSKA SP. Z O.O. On Thursday, January 9, 2025, the 2nd edition of the Student Prototype Engineering Design Competition for the Energy Sector – SKIPPER 2025 took place
... ContinuedPhD Student Dominika Płaczek and DPS Software Support Electric Vehicle Student Competition in Poland
The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (Wydział Inżynierii Mechanicznej (WIM)), Bydgoszcz University of Science and Technology, Poland organized an electric vehicle event for high school students. Named eWIM, students must design and build and electric vehicle and race in competition. Dominika
... ContinuedJapan Underwater Robot Team Wins Dassault Systemes POTY2024 SOLIDWORKS Brand Prize
Japanese translation to follow. Project of the Year (POTY) is a global student design competition for Dassault Systèmes that focuses on sustainable design projects to show that change is possible. The SOLIDWORKS Brand winner is “Watatsumi Chofu” from Japan. Team
... ContinuedNiki Naruhito – SOLIDWORKS Designer, Champion Racing Driver, Age 11
Let me introduce you to the youngest designer – racing champion I have ever met, Niki Naruhito, age 11, from Zutphen, The Netherlands. For the past two years, Niki has been working with SOLIDWORKS. His father, mentor and entrepreneur, Arnoud
... ContinuedFIRST Robotics Sponsorship from SOLIDWORKS & 3DXEDU
Happy New Year! As my first post of 2024, I am excited to announce Dassault Systèmes, SOLIDWORKS, and 3DEXPERIENCE EDU sponsorship, to all FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) teams, with FREE software and student community support. Kickoff CRESCENDOSM presented by Haas,
... ContinuedFormula Hybrid – Electric Competition Highlights Students Engineering Talents
Formula Hybrid + Electric is one of the most challenging competitions in the SAE collegiate circuit. Requiring multidisciplinary student teams in mechanical, electrical, systems, chemical, robotics engineering and computer science, the event tests the design, performance, and durability of a
... ContinuedSOLIDWORKS Sponsors Spaceport America Cup
The Spaceport America Cup is the world’s largest Intercollegiate Rocket Engineering Competition (IREC) for student rocketry teams. So where in the world do you host a rocket competition? Spaceport America is located between Las Cruces, New Mexico and Truth or
... ContinuedRoboBoat 2023 Ocean Exploration Powered By Student Ingenuity
Robonation’s RoboBoat 2023 Competition, an international event that tests students skills and ingenuity above and below the water, took place last week in Sarasota, Florida USA. RoboBoat is an international competition where students design, build, and compete with self-driving robotic boats, known as ASVs,
... ContinuedStudents showcase your designs with the PROJECT OF THE YEAR 2021
Now in its ninth year, Project of the Year (POTY) is sponsored by the 3DEXPERIENCE Edu team. Students from around the world can showcase their designs created with SOLIDWORKS and Dassault Systèmes solutions, providing them with an opportunity to build
... Continued3DEXPERIENCE World 2021 Student Model Mania Challenge
Introducing the Model Mania 3DEXPERIENCE Student Challenge With 3DEXPERIENCE World going virtual, we have a great opportunity to reach out to our worldwide student community. The skills and knowledge students will learn during this event can be used immediately when
ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS – SHARE YOUR DESIGN PROJECTS! Students, your mission, should you choose to accept, is to embark on the student competition, Project of the Year 2020. For this assignment, you need to share a project created
... Continued3DEXPERIENCE Design Contest for Students POTY 2020
Dassault Systèmes 3DEXPERIENCE Project of the Year (POTY) 2020 is a virtual design competition for students. The 3DEXPERIENCE is our latest solution on the Cloud, which brings together CATIA, SIMULIA and SOLIDWORKS all in one place! Sign up now. Students,
... ContinuedAnnouncing the SOLIDWORKS xDesign SAE Challenge
All SAE Collegiate Design teams within the United States have the chance to work on their creative design and collaboration skills, and three teams will win a grand prize of $3,000, with six runner-up teams winning $1,000.
... ContinuedSOLIDWORKS xDesign Challenge- India WINNERS!
We are proud to announce the winners of the first SOLIDWORKS xDesign Challenge for India! 1600+ students and 249 teams had 41 days to work on their Futuristic Public Transport designs. The submissions we received were amazing! The response from
... ContinuedRookie Tales from Formula SAE: Day 4
Alex Van Overbeeke-Costello is an intern in the 3DEXPERIENCE Lab and a passionate member of the UMass Lowell Formula SAE team. Recently, she joined her team in Barrie, Ontario to represent SOLIDWORKS and compete in Formula North, where 45 teams from across North America showcased their small, formula-style vehicles. All Formula SAE vehicles are conceived, designed, fabricated, and developed by students
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