Japan Underwater Robot Team Wins Dassault Systemes POTY2024 SOLIDWORKS Brand Prize

Japanese translation to follow.  Project of the Year (POTY) is a global student design competition for Dassault Systèmes that focuses on  sustainable design projects  to show that change is possible. The SOLIDWORKS Brand winner is “Watatsumi Chofu” from Japan.

Team members,  Haruomi Sakamoto (team leader), Megumu Isshiki, Takumi Moriyama, Fuka Masai, and Makoto Otsuka, from Kobe City College of Technology, create this robot with children and the environment in mind.

“Watatsumi Chofu” is an underwater robot that allows children to enjoy making things and experiencing nature. The themes of this product are “a proposal for next-generation education looking towards the future ten years from now” and “environmental conservation through robotics.”

“Watatsumi Chofu” features a highly expandable design, enabling flexible configurations tailored to various purposes such as biological observation and underwater cleaning. The upper part of the robot houses the main body equipped with circuits and a camera, as well as four propellers, allowing for control and movement of the robot. The lower part can be fitted with various attachments, and in this case, an underwater garbage collection mechanism is installed. The garbage collection mechanism consists of tires, a collection device, and a storage compartment, enabling efficient garbage collection underwater.

Additionally, at the Techno Ocean 2023 Underwater Robot Competition, the robot performed in competitions and demonstrated garbage collection, alongside presenting the product, and received the Best Presentation Award.

By using the beginner-friendly programming tool Scratch, children can easily operate the robot and check the camera, making it accessible even to programming novices. This provides children with opportunities to experience the beauty of nature and ecosystems.

In conclusion, “Watsumi Chofu” is an effective tool for providing children with hands-on making and nature experiences as part of next-generation education, while also conveying the importance of environmental conservation.

Thank you “Watsumi Chofu”  team for using SOLIDWORKS to create this great robot to teach kids about environment conservation.

For 10 years, Project of the Year (POTY) has featured innovative projects from students to make an impact on the world.  Students, start planning now for next year.  Announcement Spring 2025.

Design well.  Marie

Project Description :



また、「Techno Ocean 2023」水中ロボット競技会では、水中での競技とゴミ回収の実演、そしてプロダクトのプレゼンテーションを行い、ベストプレゼンテーション賞を受賞しました。



Marie Planchard

Marie Planchard

Senior Director, Early Engagement, 3DEXPERIENCE Works at Dassault Systemes
Marie Planchard is an education and engineering advocate. As Senior Director of Education & Early Engagement, SOLIDWORKS, she is responsible for global development of content and social outreach for the 3DEXPERIENCE Works products across all levels of learning including educational institutions, Fab Labs, and entrepreneurship.
Marie Planchard