SOLIDWORKS World 2015 – Here’s Where You Can Find Me (Part 2)
By Monday morning, most (if not all) SOLIDWORKS World attendees will have arrived and are ready to start learning from some of the top SOLIDWORKS users in the world. Breakout sessions start right after the general session, and continue throughout
... ContinuedCAD Managers Boot Camp at SOLIDWORKS World 2015
Do you know which technical session at SOLIDWORKS World attracts the most attendees? If you guessed the CAD Managers Boot Camp, you are correct. Greg Jankowski has been leading this session since 2005, and 600 to 900 SOLIDWORKS World attendees
... ContinuedAnd Now for Something Really Important – Finding the Food at SOLIDWORKS World
Baked Plantain Nachos with Pico de Gallo and Spicy Tomato Chutney….just one of the fabulous dishes you’ll be able to enjoy during the welcome reception at SOLIDWORKS World 2015. And there’s more – how about a nice Spicy Spinach Burrito
... ContinuedSOLIDWORKS World Special Events are…Special
People will tell you that they attend SOLIDWORKS World for the technical content, the networking, the chance to meet with SOLIDWORKS employees, and to research the latest technologies in the Partner Pavilion. Don’t let that fool you, they also attend for
... ContinuedSOLIDWORKS User Group Leaders Will Teach You Stuff
One of the many benefits of leading a SOLIDWORKS User Group is free admission to the annual SOLIDWORKS World Conference, and 100+ of our SWUGN leaders take advantage of that each year. And that’s it – no further requirements. You
... ContinuedTyler Beck Wants You to Do Stuff Faster
Tyler Beck’s SOLIDWORKS World presentations carry a common theme – doing things faster. Tyler first presented at SOLIDWORKS World 2012 with “Faster Modeling” and “Better, Faster Sketching”. Both sessions were rated very highly by the attendees. After a break in 2013, Tyler
... ContinuedBrian's SOLIDWORKS World Session Gets Better With Age
The Property Tab Builder is a stand-alone utility in SOLIDWORKS that is used to create a customized interface for entering custom property information into SOLIDWORKS files. It was introduced in SOLIDWORKS 2010. Not long after the release, Brian Long took
... ContinuedThe Big Three are Back at SOLIDWORKS World 2015
When I snapped this picture at SOLIDWORKS World 2014 in San Diego, I knew that it would show three of the best presenters of the year – Phil Sluder, Ed Eaton, and newcomer Andrew Lowe. The “Big Three” are back once
... ContinuedAre You Ready for SOLIDWORKS World 2015?
With an average high temperature of 71 degrees in February, Phoenix is a great place to spend a few winter days. The fact that SOLIDWORKS World 2015 will be held there just makes it better, don’t you think? Even though
... ContinuedSOLIDWORKS World Japan in Pictures
My first ever trip to Japan was a memorable one. Here’s why. I attended not one, but two SOLIDWORKS World Japan conferences in Tokyo and Osaka. There were over 1000 attendees in Tokyo, and just over 500 in Osaka.
... ContinuedThe Long Trip Begins
The first leg of my 13 day trip has begun, and in a couple of hours I’ll be visiting the North Texas SOLIDWORKS User Group and the Fort Worth SOLIDWORKS User Group for their combined meeting tonight. Suchit Jain is
... ContinuedInto the Darkness
This weekend marks the end of Daylight Savings Time, and in the US, most of us will be setting our clocks back an hour. I don’t like the dark very much, but I’m not afraid of it – just apprehensive.
... ContinuedOctober Recap – Some Big Meetings and a Safe Car Crash
With the exception of the gentleman working his smartphone, this crowd is anticipating something that’s never happened at a SOLIDWORKS User Group meeting – a car crash (video at the end of this post). More than 75 people turned out
... ContinuedSo..I was Craving a Philly Cheesesteak…
“One Wiz With” or “One Provolone Without” – try to order a Cheesesteak in Texas using “proper” terminology and you’re likely to get nothing but a blank stare. Sure, we have great BBQ, great Tex-Mex food, and more Taco trucks than
... ContinuedOctober in the SOLIDWORKS Community
I could probably come up with something special about every month in the SOLIDWORKS Community, but October brings with it the newest release of SOLIDWORKS 3D CAD Software. I’ve watched the comments throughout the Beta program, seen the look on
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