October Recap – Some Big Meetings and a Safe Car Crash

Central Indiana SOLIDWORKS User Group
Central Indiana SOLIDWORKS User Group

With the exception of the gentleman working his smartphone, this crowd is anticipating something that’s never happened at a SOLIDWORKS User Group meeting – a car crash (video at the end of this post).

More than 75 people turned out at the Central Indiana SOLIDWORKS User Group meeting to witness the test, along with some great SOLIDWORKS presentations.

This was the last (and best according to group leader Peter Fischer) meeting for the group this year, but I’m betting we’ll see more spectacular events in 2015.

The Greater Evansville SOLIDWORKS User Group members made their new leader Mike Marshall very happy when 41 of them showed up for last weeks’ meeting at the University of Southern Indiana.

Cindy Berend and the New Hampshire SOLIDWORKS User Group have seen an increase in attendance once again in 2014, and still reign as the US group with the highest average attendance.

He’s a SOLIDWORKS Blogger, once won the SOLIDWORKS World Internet Correspondent contest, and as of this year, Michael Lord can add the title of user group leader for the Sydney SOLIDWORKS User Group.  Busy guy!

He’s only lived in Canada for a couple of months now, but I’m sure Vladimir Yun has already made at least 20 new friends.  That’s how many folks showed up to the first meeting of the Calgary SOLIDWORKS User Group that he now leads.  I wonder if he’s learned how to speak Canadian yet, eh?

Randall Bock’s Happy Valley SOLIDWORKS User Group only meets twice per year, but when they do, it’s quite an event.  75 attendees for the fall meeting keeps their average attendance just over 80.

There are still 33 meetings on the SWUGN calendar for November through December, and more meetings will be added daily.  This is a busy time of the year for SOLIDWORKS User Groups trying to get in that last meeting before the holidays.  Let’s get out there and support our group leaders!!

As promised, here is the very first car crash ever at a SOLIDWORKS User Group meeting.

Richard Doyle
My official title is Senior User Advocacy & SolidWorks User Groups - but most people just call me "The User Group Guy". I've been a SolidWorks user since 1997, and was one of the founding members of the SWUGN Committee. Since starting the Central Texas SolidWorks User Group in 1999, my career path has led me to DS SolidWorks and a dream job supporting the SolidWorks User Group Network worldwide.