SOLIDWORKS World Japan in Pictures

My first ever trip to Japan was a memorable one. Here’s why.

Registration for SOLIDWORKS World Japan was met with friendly staff just like SOLIDWORKS World in the United States


I attended not one, but two SOLIDWORKS World Japan conferences in Tokyo and Osaka.  There were over 1000 attendees in Tokyo, and just over 500 in Osaka.  Both conferences were very similar to SOLIDWORKS World in the US, complete with general sessions, breakouts, a Partner Pavilion, and an evening reception.

One of the major differences that I noticed was in the “What’s New” session I attended.  Knowing that I wouldn’t understand the words, I decided to attend to watch the crowd reaction.  While the Japanese people are a bit more reserved than we are here in the US, the excitement was noticeable rom the furious notes that were being taken all around me.


Look familiar? SOLIDWORKS World Japan General Session has a similar feel to SOLIDWORKS World in the United States


I felt like I was at the UN with this translation headset at the keynote address in Tokyo.


My name, Richard Doyle, in Japanese.


Some of the SOLIDWORKS 2015 Beta Contest winners from Japan.


Of course I ate locally. This is Battered and Fried Octopus.


Mmmmm, couldn’t miss the opportunity for Sushi.


My sister was stationed in Japan a long time ago. She recommended I have some Ramen. So I did.


I also got in some sightseeing on the way to Osaka on Thursday.  I took the Bullet Train, which was 100 times cooler than I even thought it would be.

Mount Fuji


The Temple of the Golden Palace.


Tokyo at night. The city is beautify and a picture hardly does it justice.


And finally a special picture – my host, helper, and part-time translator Yuri Yamaguchi.  There are a lot of people to thank for making my trip a great one, but without Yuri, I would have been completely lost.

Thanks Yuri – I can’t wait to come back!


Richard Doyle
My official title is Senior User Advocacy & SolidWorks User Groups - but most people just call me "The User Group Guy". I've been a SolidWorks user since 1997, and was one of the founding members of the SWUGN Committee. Since starting the Central Texas SolidWorks User Group in 1999, my career path has led me to DS SolidWorks and a dream job supporting the SolidWorks User Group Network worldwide.