There's Plenty to Get Excited About in the SOLIDWORKS Community
This is a great time of the year to be a SOLIDWORKS user and a member of the SOLIDWORKS Community. SOLIDWORKS 2015 has been released and SOLIDWORKS resellers all over the world are gearing up for their launch events. SOLIDWORKS
... ContinuedBusy, busy, busy…
There are a lot of exciting things that go on this time of the year for SOLIDWORKS users. The release of SOLIDWORKS 2015 means SOLIDWORKS Resellers are gearing up for Rollout Events, the SOLIDWORKS World 2015 Call-for-Papers is close to
... ContinuedA Quick SWUGN Update
I spent the better part of the weekend in the Midwest visiting a great customer in Minneapolis on Friday and a brand new SOLIDWORKS User Group in Urbana, IL on Saturday before heading home Sunday to pack for my trip to
... ContinuedWhat's Coming Up in the SOLIDWORKS User Group Network
I’m heading to the Minneapolis area on Friday where I’ve been invited to speak to SOLIDWORKS users at The Datacard Group, a fantastic company full of SOLIDWORKS users (thanks Gary!). From there I’ll take a quick flight to Chicago and
... ContinuedNews from Around the SOLIDWORKS User Group Network
I spent last week in the Waltham DS office and what a week it was. The SOLIDWORKS 2015 Launch Event brought together journalists, SOLIDWORKS bloggers, and employees from all over the world to take a look at the latest release.
... ContinuedA Day in Lynchburg to Celebrate 10 Years
I’m heading out tomorrow for three great SOLIDWORKS User Group meetings this week. I’ll start in Lynchburg, Virginia to help SWUGLY celebrate their 10 year anniversary. This is my first trip to see Barbara, Lew, and the rest of the
... ContinuedA Week in Sunny Florida
I spent the better part of last week driving around the southern end of Florida and attending SOLIDWORKS user group meetings. The weather was perfect, the roads were beautiful, and the user group meetings were terrific as always. My first trip
... ContinuedWhere in the World is Santiago Laverde?
Singapore. At least that’s where you’ll find him on May 20th for the Singapore SOLIDWORKS User Group meeting. I’ve known Santiago since my days as a SOLIDWORKS User Group leader in Austin, Texas. Santiago would travel up to the All-Texas
... ContinuedCatching up on SWUGN News
There’s plenty of action in the SOLIDWORKS User Group Network these days. Here are some highlights: SWUGN Committee News We have a new SWUGN representative for the Southern US. Lynnette Sabatka has served on the committee for several years now,
... ContinuedA Decade in OKC
As a lifelong Texas Longhorn fan, I tread lightly when I travel north of the Red River, but I’m really looking forward to visiting next week to help Vladimir Yun and the Oklahoma City SOLIDWORKS User Group celebrate 10 years.
... ContinuedI'm Visiting a Couple of "-ville" Cities This Week
Before moving back to Austin proper a couple of years ago, I lived in the Texas town of Pflugerville. I’ve also been lucky enough to visit Huntsville, Naperville, Asheville, Evansville, Starkville, and Greenville as part of my job duties. This
... ContinuedSolidWorks World 2014 – The Breakouts
Every year starting in July (or so), a team of more than 30 people starts recruiting, reviewing, and accepting and/or rejecting SolidWorks World breakout session abstracts. The goal is to provide the best possible technical content for the attendees. SolidWorks World
... ContinuedMy Dance Card is Filling Up
Looks like it’s going to be a busy couple of months. I’m heading out to the West Coast next week for SolidWorks User Group meetings in Sacramento, CA and Reno, NV. This wil be my first visit to each group and
... ContinuedMeet the New SWUGN Committee Representatives
The SolidWorks User Group Network (SWUGN) Committee is made up of 8 very energetic SolidWorks user from around the world. Board membership is an elected position, and members serve two-year terms. Each year in December, elections are held for one-half
... ContinuedWho Doesn't Like Gifts?
While it doesn’t make the short list of good reasons to attend Solidworks World, part of the fun is the swag. Buttons, T-Shirts, Yo-Yo’s, etc. – we all come home with a bagfull of stuff. At some point, it gets
... Continued