News from Around the SOLIDWORKS User Group Network

I spent last week in the Waltham DS office and what a week it was.  The SOLIDWORKS 2015 Launch Event brought together journalists, SOLIDWORKS bloggers, and employees from all over the world to take a look at the latest release.  Everyone was “live Tweeting”, and you can use the hashtag #SW2015 over at Twitter for a recap of the reactions to the new features and functionality in SOLIDWORKS 2015.

And in other news….

Shane Vest and the Corpus Christi SOLIDWORKS User Group had their biggest meeting ever with 42 attendees.  Former SWUGN representative and current San Antonio SOLIDWORKS User Group leader Jim Lowery must have been the big draw.

Greg Jankowski helped two SOLIDWORKS User Groups celebrate their 10 Year Anniversaries – the Buffalo/Niagara SOLIDWORKS User Group and the Northern Vermont SOLIDWORKS User Group.  Greg will detail his trip later this week.

Chad Devine, long-time SOLIDWORKS user and a member of the Houston SOLIDWORKS User Group has gone into the 3D Printing business with 3D Solid Solutions.  3D Printing and SOLIDWORKS make for an exciting partnership, so check out Chad’s website and see what he can do for you and your company.


We’re still almost five months away from SOLIDWORKS World 2015, but plenty of folks are already getting excited.  VIP codes went out to SOLIDWORKS User Group leaders in the US last week, and the international folks can start checking their emails this week.  We expect more that 100 of our SWUGN leaders to attend.  Check it out, the website is now live.

The SOLIDWORKS Forums got a makeover last month, and most of the issues associated with a change of this magnitude have been resolved.  Sign in and join the conversations.

There are currently 39 meetings on the SWUGN calendar, with 13 meetings scheduled for this week.

Richard Doyle
My official title is Senior User Advocacy & SolidWorks User Groups - but most people just call me "The User Group Guy". I've been a SolidWorks user since 1997, and was one of the founding members of the SWUGN Committee. Since starting the Central Texas SolidWorks User Group in 1999, my career path has led me to DS SolidWorks and a dream job supporting the SolidWorks User Group Network worldwide.