Catching up on SWUGN News

There’s plenty of action in the SOLIDWORKS User Group Network these days.  Here are some highlights:

ToddBlacksherSWUGN Committee News

We have a new SWUGN representative for the Southern US.  Lynnette Sabatka has served on the committee for several years now, but she’s packing up her new family and moving east.  Todd Blacksher, SWUGONE leader and all-around good guy has been selected by the SWUGN Committee to complete her term.  Welcome aboard Todd!



LondonBirmingham and London SOLIDWORKS User Group Meetings

Bertrand Sicot and I hosted a couple of user group meetings in the UK, and while the attendance was hardly what we had hoped for, the discussions we had about moving these groups forward were very good.  Look for some great things to come ot of the UK SOLIDWORKS User Groups this year.

Special thanks to Martyn Day at Develop3D for arranging the meeting space in Birmingham.

New Groups Meeting This Week

The South Metro Denver SOLIDWORKS User Group will hold their first meeting tonight in Parker, Colorado.  Gary Radish and Michael Pretekin put this group together to serve SOLIDWORKS users from South Denver to Colorado Springs.

The Pittsburgh SOLIDWORKS User Group started out as the Western Pennsylvania group, and they’re back this week for the first time in a while.  Jeff Beardsley will host the meeting at the Whitehall Borough Complex.

10 Year Anniversary Meetings

I’m heading out to Florida in a couple of weeks to help Casey Gorman and John Fox celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Central Florida SOLIDWORKS User Group.  Both men have been running the group since its inception, and they show no signs of slowing down.  While I’m there, I also get a chance to visit the Tampa Bay SOLIDWORKS User Group, and the South Florida SOLIDWORKS User Group.  I’m looking forward to a great trip.

In June, it’s off to Lynchburg, Virginia to see Barbara Bohannon and the SOLIDWORKS User Group of Lynchburg for their 10 year celebration.  A lot of us met Barbara for the first time at SOLIDWORKS World 2014, but she’s been quietly leading SWUGLY for many years.


sww15Speaking of SOLIDWORKS World

I attended my first internal SOLIDWORKS World 2015 meeting on Monday, and the excitement is already starting.  I can’t believe that we’re only 279 days away from Phoenix and 6,000 or so SOLIDWORKS World attendees.


Ken Clayton Wowed Them In Canada

Ken Clayton, Vice President of Worldwide Sales, visited the Western Ontario SOLIDWORKS User Group, the Ontario SOLIDWORKS User Group, and the SOLIDWORKS User Group Simcoe.  All three meetings had very high attendance, and the number one question I got afterward was “When can we have Ken back?”

There are 32 SOLIDWORKS User Group meetings on the SWUGN calendar.  Chances are good that there’s a meeting near you.


Richard Doyle
My official title is Senior User Advocacy & SolidWorks User Groups - but most people just call me "The User Group Guy". I've been a SolidWorks user since 1997, and was one of the founding members of the SWUGN Committee. Since starting the Central Texas SolidWorks User Group in 1999, my career path has led me to DS SolidWorks and a dream job supporting the SolidWorks User Group Network worldwide.