And Now for Something Really Important – Finding the Food at SOLIDWORKS World

Baked Plantain Nachos with Pico de Gallo and Spicy Tomato Chutney….just one of the fabulous dishes you’ll be able to enjoy during the welcome reception at SOLIDWORKS World 2015.  And there’s more – how about a nice Spicy Spinach Burrito for breakfast? Truffled Rosemary Fingerling Potatoes with lunch?

Great food abounds during SOLIDWORKS World for good reason – long days, lots of walking, and lots of learning take a toll on the body and refueling often will help you get through the three long days ahead.

Your first chance at some eats comes Sunday evening in the Partner Pavilion at the welcome reception.  Hot and cold food stations will be set up throughout the exhibit hall.  You’ll also find several places to find an adult beverage or two if you look closely.

Breakfast starts at 7:00am and will consist of a hot dish along with fresh fruits and juices, pastries, and most important, your choice of caffeinated beverages.  The room gets very full around 7:30, get there early for a good seat.

Lunch is served buffet style in the same room as breakfast, and fills up just as quickly starting at 12:00pm.  Birds-of-a-feather seating will be available again this year, encouraging you to sit with like-minded SOLIDWORKS users and discuss various aspects of engineering and design.  After lunch, head in to the Partner Pavilion for some sweet desserts before making your way to the afternoon breakouts.

Dinner Monday will be very similar to Sunday evening, unless you are attending the CSWE event.  In that case, Mike Puckett has offered up a sneak peak at the menu.


Note – there are a couple of breaks each day as well, with coffee, tea, water, and usually something sweet and decadent.  These break stations disappear in a hurry though, don’t miss out!


For breakfast and lunch, see Monday, but dinner is something special because we’ll all be at the Special Event.  I have always enjoyed the food at our offsite events (anyone remember those huge Chicken Legs in San Diego?), and based on the venue, I suspect we’ll be treated to some very good Southwestern fare.

Wednesday marks the final day of SOLIDWORKS World, and there are no surprises here – breakfast and lunch will be similar to Monday and Tuesday.  If you are staying through until Thursday, Wednesday evening gives you an opportunity to enjoy some of downtown Phoenix’s fine restaurants.

SOLIDWORKS World 2015 will be filled with learning, networking, testing, walking, and talking.  Don’t miss out on the eating!

Richard Doyle
My official title is Senior User Advocacy & SolidWorks User Groups - but most people just call me "The User Group Guy". I've been a SolidWorks user since 1997, and was one of the founding members of the SWUGN Committee. Since starting the Central Texas SolidWorks User Group in 1999, my career path has led me to DS SolidWorks and a dream job supporting the SolidWorks User Group Network worldwide.