For Star Trek Fans It’s the Dawn of a New Era thanks to Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
In many ways, living in Boston is just like living in Silicon Valley. The city is teeming with technological innovation and cutting-edge research coming from the communities surrounding top universities such as MIT and Harvard University. Everywhere you go, whether
... ContinuedRecently in…Robotics
It’s been a long week and you deserve to talk about stuff that interests you – like robots and space and Godzilla. Each Friday, our “Recently in…” series will take you into the weekend with a handful of current events
... ContinuedSOLIDWORKS Customer Satisfaction Survey Update
Over the past eight years, we have conducted the Annual SOLIDWORKS Customer Satisfaction Survey. Each year we invite all of our customers worldwide to provide feedback about their experiences working with SOLIDWORKS. We appreciate the time you have taken each
... ContinuedHow the SOLIDWORKS Community Helps You Cook Your Frozen Pizza
Though you may be happy about the warm weather that the Spring season brings, you probably feel differently about your frozen foods. As you’re opening a package with your favorite frozen pizza or ice cream, do you ever wonder how
... ContinuedBasic Techniques in SolidWorks: Learning Fillets
You may recall from my previous posts that after working at SolidWorks for 14 years, I’ve finally decided to learn how to use the software, starting with working my way through the tutorials inside of SolidWorks. Moving on from the
... ContinuedCome one, come all to our SolidWorks Mad Libs Social Media Game
In honor of SolidWorks World, we are running our first ever SolidWorks Mad Libs Social Media Game on Facebook and we encourage everyone to participate! This is how the SolidWorks Mad Libs game works: we have created a story and
... ContinuedStudents At Lycée Victor Duruy Take On The Challenge Of Mars Exploration
Douglas Quaid and his dream about going to Mars in Total Recall isn’t just a story reserved for the big screen. The students at the Lycée Victor Duruy high school in Bagnères-de-Bigorre also dream big when it comes exploring the red planet; minus
... ContinuedDramatically reduce design errors by using SolidWorks Intelligent Feature Technology
As the complexity of your engineering problems, design, and assemblies increases, so do the chances of making a costly mistake that may lead to many hours of re-work and may cause you to pull your product out of production. You’ll
... ContinuedSolidWorks Drawing Tip: Convert View to Sketch
I’ve been asked a couple of times if there was an easy way to tweak, change, or ‘fudge’ a drawing view. Some people want to change a line style, some may want to change a thickness, and some may just
... ContinuedDonn McKinney’s U.S.S. Missouri Propelling Forward with eDrawings
Since 2011, when we first featured Donn McKinney’s U.S.S Missouri project, our friend Donn has further progressed in his work. To give some background to those of you who are unfamiliar with Donn’s project, Donn, a fan of World War
... ContinuedThere’s got to be a better way of creating owner’s manuals
There got to be a better way of owner’s manual! Here we are: Universal Cycles, a mountain bike producer in U.K. They print a QR code on their bike body leading to a Youtube assembly instruction video created in 3DVIA Composer by repurposing their CAD models for technical communication.
... ContinuedCreating manufacturing jobs through innovation at Yaris
Creating jobs has been a hot topic these days in the weak global economy. Many answers are out there, but innovation is a proven engine to the economy as shown by Apple who created or supported over 500,000 jobs for U.S.
... ContinuedWhen “Form Follows Simulation”
We all know that the function of a product should be the primary emphasis for design, however I believe a new design paradigm is emerging – I call it, “form follows simulation.”
... Continued2012 – The Year of the Sports Car Comeback?
Green vehicles were all the rage in 2011, with a heavy focus on reducing fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Consumers are trying hard to be green at every turn – and this doesn’t end when they hit the road.
... ContinuedDIY Design at Cedarville University
I first learned about Jay Kinsinger, professor of engineering at Cedarville University, from the school's VAR, 3D Vision. They told me about how in addition to pushing design to its limits using the tools at hand with his students' projects, he also designs steel-frame bikes on his own time.
... Continued