Come one, come all to our SolidWorks Mad Libs Social Media Game

In honor of SolidWorks World, we are running our first ever SolidWorks Mad Libs Social Media Game on Facebook and we encourage everyone to participate! This is how the SolidWorks Mad Libs game works: we have created a story and taken out random words. We need your help to fill in the blanks in our story by providing us with the types of words we request, such as adjectives, nouns, names of venues, names of celebritys, etc. We will ask you to provide us with different types of words every day between January 26-29. At the end of the game, on January 30, we will select the most creative responses and drop them into our story, which we will then share via our blog.

Participants who provide us with the most creative responses will receive free SolidWorks goodies such as a SolidWorks notebook, backpack, or USB drive. Everyone is eligible to participate, even if you’re not going to SolidWorks World.

Have fun and let the games begin!

Asya Bashina

Asya Bashina

Subscription Services Marketing Specialist at Dassault Systemes SolidWorks
Subscription Services Marketing Specialist. Brand Marketing pro and travel enthusiast with a sense of humor.