CAD in SOLIDWORKS Without Sacrificing Time or Comfort

When you spend your entire day using SOLIDWORKS, you probably try to find new shortcuts and tricks to speed up your design process in the tool. You may even buy yourself a special mouse, keyboard, desk and chair to help you design more comfortably without putting extra strain on your body. To stay current and productive, you might upgrade your software every year to ensure that you are getting the latest enhancements and features to help you cut costs and stay productive.

Since we know that you may spend hours on end with your head down trying to design anything from a simple part to a complex assembly consisting of thousands of moving parts, we have worked to improve your user experience in the SOLIDWORKS platform. In SOLIDWORKS 2016, we have streamlined the user interface across all of products for seamless integration. We also decreased the number of mouse clicks you need to perform different functions within the software by as much as 50 percent to ensure that you spend less time traveling away from your design.


To make it easier for you to maximize the use of your graphics area for design while speeding up selection and command execution, we also added a new Breadcrumbs feature. Breadcrumbs give you a context-based view of your current selection so that you see related elements up and down the hierarchical tree. You can also access common selections that are adjacent to breadcrumb entities.

To learn about more new features in SOLIDWORKS 2016, visit our website.

To get access to these feature and exclusive benefits, such as early visibility into new SOLIDWORKS software and tech support, sign up for Subscription Services today here.

Asya Bashina

Asya Bashina

Subscription Services Marketing Specialist at Dassault Systemes SolidWorks
Subscription Services Marketing Specialist. Brand Marketing pro and travel enthusiast with a sense of humor.
Asya Bashina
Asya Bashina