How the SOLIDWORKS Community Helps You Cook Your Frozen Pizza
Though you may be happy about the warm weather that the Spring season brings, you probably feel differently about your frozen foods. As you’re opening a package with your favorite frozen pizza or ice cream, do you ever wonder how it’s made or how it gets from the production line your plate? How do major food distributors freeze their foods to serve thousands of people daily? They rely on companies such as Cryogenic Equipment Services, who provides retailers, food distributors and food producers with industrial freezing and production chilling equipment which allows your food to stay fresh and tasty.
As the leading manufacturer of cryogenic industrial freezers and chilling equipment, Cryogenic Equipment Services was looking to accelerate the development and production of the industrial freezers to serve their market. Switching from AutoCAD 2D to SOLIDWORKS enabled CES to develop custom-designed systems with greater accuracy and shorter lead times.

Leveraging the SOLIDWORKS community through SOLIDWORKS Subscription Services, CES was able to get “access to great reseller support, active user groups, and the expansive SOLIDWORKS online community, all of which are extremely valuable. You’re buying a community and a network of experienced users and support, which provides big peace of mind that can help you get through any fears related to transitioning to 3D,” explains Design Engineer Ed Schneid.
In order to make sure that you frozen pizza tastes the same as the one from your local pizza shop, Cryogenic Equipment Services accelerates the large assembly design process with SOLIDWORKS Professional and regular software updates and bug fixes from SOLIDWORKS Subscription Services.
The next time you scoop out your favorite ice cream onto a cone after a filling frozen pizza dinner, make a toast to Cryogenic Equipment Services and SOLIDWORKS.
Dig into the Cryogenic Equipment Services case study and the customer testimonial video to see how they leveraged SOLIDWORKS in their design process.
For more information on SOLIDWORKS Subscription Services, watch our video to see how you can leverage your relationship with your reseller and the SOLIDWORKS community to get your job done faster.