customer story
Ladies and Gentlemen Start Your Mechs
Step into the cockpit and experience the world of mech racing with the 3,500 kg mech Prosthesis.
... ContinuedPlantscrapers and Robotic Bees: Is This the Future of Food?
You didn’t think you’d be eating cheese sandwiches and steak forever did you? Population pressures mean the menu of the future may look very different – and new technologies are helping food scientists get creative. It’s impossible to predict
... ContinuedSunfire GmbH Innovates Clean Energy Technology
Learn how Sunfire GmbH became a leading developer and manufacturer of clean, efficient solutions for off-grid power and heat generation with the help of SOLIDWORKS.
... ContinuedBrudden Equipment Ltd. Goes From Agricultural Machinery to Fitness Equipment with SOLIDWORKS
Learn how Brudden Equipment Ltd. entered the fitness equipment market by innovating on their already successful agricultural machinery.
... ContinuedDriving the Future of Autonomous Vehicles with SOLIDWORKS
The vehicles of tomorrow are driverless. That’s the future and it’s coming faster than you may have thought. Just ask RDM Group, where talented engineers are using SOLIDWORKS to help create the UK’s first autonomous vehicles. The future is coming…
... ContinuedFancy a Night in the UK’s Most Luxurious Observatory?
Few sights capture the imagination like a star-filled sky. Here to put adventure-seekers in the box seat for taking in thrilling skyscapes, is an ingeniously built pop-up cabin in Wales. This is the story of how an ambitious SOLIDWORKS design
... ContinuedHow MOEF is Bringing Us Images of an Alien Landscape…
We know more about space than we do the depths of our oceans. Deep sea diving can bring us the most fabulous footage and imagery of our submerged landscapes, but obtaining those images isn’t without its challenges. It’s taken for
... ContinuedVisitech: Making Cricket Safer with SOLIDWORKS Simulation
Briefed with reinventing the best helmet in cricket, many product designers would be stumped. Visitech stepped up to the crease and knocked the challenge for six – with a little help from SOLIDWORKS Simulation…
... ContinuedEngineering a Craft Beer Revolution with Phillips Brewing
Phillips Brewing and Malting Company offers an amazing range of beer and awesome experiences built on consistently crafting an excellent product. Learn the engineering know-how responsible for making that consistency a reality.
... ContinuedLED iBond is Here to Brighten Your Future
The internal combustion engine. The jet engine. The toasted sandwich maker. Three of history’s greatest inventions. To that list, you can add Thomas Edison’s incandescent light bulb. Electric lighting paved the way for cheaper illumination, which has eventually developed beyond
... ContinuedFlying Can be Fun with Zenith Aircraft Company
Climb in the cockpit with Zenith Aircraft Company and learn how it designs homebuilt kit planes for sport pilots.
... ContinuedSOLIDWORKS and The Ex Zone Prove an Explosive Combination
Explosions: great if you’re watching a James Bond film, potentially lethal everywhere else. As such, industries who work with the potential for detonation need scientific assurance that the companies supplying their equipment are up to the task. Who is The
... ContinuedRobert Welch Designs Turns Silverware into an Art Form With SOLIDWORKS
The humble spoon and its cutlery brethren are an everyday essential we often take no notice of at meal times. There are some, however, who have turned silverware into an art form, making us sit up and pay attention. Knives
... ContinuedEffeffe Berlinetta: A Car Of Yesterday, Conceived Today, Built in 3D CAD
Effeffe Berlinetta is an homage to classic Italian sports cars of yore. See the amazing how amazing craftsmanship and 3D CAD technology kicked this car into high gear.
... ContinuedVitility Scoops ECRM Award after SOLIDWORKS Debut
What happens when you implement SOLIDWORKS for the first time? Ask Dutch product designers Vitility. After mixing medication with innovation to create the Smart Pill Box, the business has scooped ‘Most Innovative Product’ at the ECRM Awards and been named
... Continued