customer story
Effeffe Berlinetta: A Car Of Yesterday, Conceived Today
Effeffe Berlinetta is a hand-crafted throwback to classic Italian sports cars. In part one of a two-part series, learn how the Frigerio brothers put their dream ride together with a team of classic car enthusiasts and SOLIDWORKS.
... ContinuedSOLIDWORKS Saves Cambridge Industrial Design from Getting in a Flap
Successful products marry innovative answers to intuitive design. Functionality plus form. Cambridge Industrial Design knows all about that, with a varied range of illustrious clients including Fender, AGA, Philips, and Wharfedale. Enticing product design is the core of its business
... ContinuedLan | Abar Handling Technologies Do Lean Manufacturing with SOLIDWORKS
Packaging is vital to the goods industry. Don’t believe us? Try walking home from the supermarket carrying half a litre of soup without a container. However, packaging is even more integral to the pharmaceutical industry. Secure, impenetrable handling of sterile
... ContinuedHeadkayse Improves Cyclist Safety with Folding Helmet
Road safety is a constant concern for cyclists. Being exposed to the asphalt, careless drivers and heavy motor vehicles, in all the elements, makes cycling an activity that’s not without hazards. A good, solid cycle helmet for all bike riders
... ContinuedWaste Not, Cook Hot: How SOWtech Sizzles with SOLIDWORKS
Recycling organic waste into power might sound like sci-fi, but biogas is a major player in the world of sustainable energy. In crisis-hit parts of the world, it enables communities to both reduce their waste and cook with gas. That’s
... ContinuedHow Intelligent Energy Turned London’s Black Cabs Green
Green energy – no longer an empty promise bandied around by hopefuls seeking political office, but a genuine alternative to powering Britain’s infrastructure. All without the need to dredge up primordial slime, or torching fossil fuels, at potential environmental cost.
... ContinuedBailey’s Caravan Increases Production Efficiency by 80 Percent with SOLIDWORKS
The motor home: a neat holiday apartment with the added bonus of mobility. For decades, holidaymakers have sought to hit the road in their home-from-homes for a vacation that epitomises freedom. Caravan experts Bailey help them do just that. Who
... ContinuedAdlens – Striving for Success with SOLIDWORKS
Glasses have gone from bare necessity, through geek chic, to major fashion accessory. Yet thanks to the fact that eyesight gradually fades over time, a one-size-fits-all approach to spectacle selection is less than ideal. Sure, we can pick up an
... ContinuedIF-Adamas – Advancing 3D Printing Technology with SOLIDWORKS
Ideas – they’re the protein that feeds innovation and product development. Without ideas, there wouldn’t be any problems for engineers and designers to solve. Now, 3D printing is perhaps one of the most astonishing ideas of this generation. SOLIDWORKS has
... ContinuedSOLIDWORKS on Song For Premium Hi-Fi Manufacturer Bowers and Wilkins
Who said CAD software couldn’t surprise you? Elite hi-fi manufacturers Bowers and Wilkins needed a simple way to add product imagery and illustrations to its user guides. Then it realised that SOLIDWORKS Composer makes it a cinch. Result? Bowers and
... ContinuedDean Ovel: SOLIDWORKS and 24 Hours in a Human Hamster Wheel
Most people run in Lycra… Some run in fancy dress… Dean Ovel runs in a human hamster wheel, sealed inside a cage, in the middle of a busy high street in Southend. This is the story of how SOLIDWORKS became
... ContinuedHow SOLIDWORKS is Assisting Van Raam’s Bike Builds
Ah, the simple pleasures of a bike ride. It’s a freedom many take for granted but certainly not those with mobility issues. Step forward Van Raam, a Netherlands-based bike manufacturer for the disabled and the elderly. This family business originally
... ContinuedHow SOLIDWORKS is Transforming U.K. Homes
When does a house become a home? Origin is the business to ask. They transform interior spaces with bi-folding glass doors for style-savvy customers. But the most important door was the one SOLIDWORKS opened, leading Origin to more creativity, less
... ContinuedHow SOLIDWORKS is saving lives in the UK
From Kazakhstan to the coastal waters of the UK, through volatile oil fields and across the frontline of warzones, a remarkable design and engineering firm in Devon is using SOLIDWORKS to save thousands of lives. Ask any CAD engineer.
... ContinuedThe World’s First Commercial-Grade Mechanical Battery is Storing Wind Power Under the Sea
Have you ever seen a giant wind turbine standing idle on an otherwise windy day? I come across several turbines during my daily commute and have wondered why these lazy turbines aren’t doing their jobs. I have to work, why
... Continued