Celebrate Chinese Lunar New Year with a Snake and SOLIDWORKS Apps for Kids
No matter what your age, you can celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year by designing this cute Snake in SOLIDWORKS Apps for Kids. SOLIDWORKS Apps for Kids is collection of free, creative design, style and 3D Print apps, developed with
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SOLIDWORKS Apps for Kids is a free web-browser creative tool that kids age 4-14 use to design 3D models, decorate, and 3D Print. SOLIDWORKS Apps for Kids Classroom is a special app just for educators to safely develop lessons for
... ContinuedFree Student Software in Engineering, Simulation, Math & Design
In the Dassault Systemes family, we have free student software tools – no matter what your grade level. You may use SOLIDWORKS or you have no software experience. You may be an engineer or an artist. You may attend university
... ContinuedRobots and Rockets STEM Camp at Harding University
Rich Wells, Harding University, Searcy, Arkansas, USA is teaching design, engineering and analysis courses to his students. His students are using SOLIDWORKS. But early this summer, Rich and three of his colleagues put together the “Robots and Rockets” Summer Camp
... ContinuedJason Pohl’s Newest Partner Creates a Rocket Ship with SOLIDWORKS Apps for Kids
Industrial designer, Jason Pohl and his new partner, son, Maxton – 8 years old, gets a chance to sit in dad’s chair and explore SOLIDWORKS Apps for Kids. SOLIDWORKS Apps for Kids is a collection of web-based apps that are
... ContinuedCreatedBy Festival Boston Children’s Museum Features SOLIDWORKS Apps for Kids
The CreatedBy Festival is a showcase and venue for sharing hands-on component– projects that allow visitors to try something out or to create something, rather than just to watch something. Hosted by the Boston Children’s Museum, our friends from BlocksCAD,
... ContinuedFenway Park Hosts STEAM Day with SOLIDWORKS Apps for Kids
Fenway Park, home of the Boston Red Sox, is the oldest stadium in Major League Baseball and one of its most famous. We were so honored and thrilled to be part of Fenway Park’s Education day, hosting over 4,000 students and
... ContinuedBack to School with SOLIDWORKS Apps for Kids
Awareness for teachers, mentors and parents for their kids age 4-14 STEM/STEAM exercises for home, school, virtual, hybrid – all types of learning
... ContinuedNew STEM/STEAM Lessons with BlocksCAD and SOLIDWORKS Apps for Kids
We are pleased to announce our partnership with BlocksCAD, a block based coding platform focused on increasing coding and math skills in elementary and middle school students. The SOLIDWORKS Apps for Kids – BlocksCAD Lessons are great for fun Science,
... ContinuedOcean Day Tutorial with SOLIDWORKS Apps for Kids
Ocean Day Tutorial with SOLIDWORKS Apps for Kids
... ContinuedCelebrate Earth Day with Apps for Kids
Celebrated for the first time on April 22, 1970 under the leadership of Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson who wanted to educate his students about the environment, Earth Day annually marks the anniversary of this environmental movement that has been so
... ContinuedEaster Egg Challenge with SOLIDWORKS Apps for Kids
As an educator, you help your students learn and unleash their creativity. So what about having your students discover the basics of 3D design while having fun? Good news! The SOLIDWORKS Apps for Kids #EasterEgg Challenge is here.
... ContinuedInventors Create With SOLIDWORKS Apps for Kids
Inventors of all ages can use SOLIDWORKS Apps for Kids. In Spain, The Academy of Inventors / La Academia de los Invintores works with 170 students, between ages 3 and 18. Luis Martin, CEO and co-founder and designer, Daniel Martin
... ContinuedRobots Create Opportunity for Indigenous Youth
We first met Danielle Boyer (Ojibwe) when she was 17. You may know her as one of the Main Stage speakers at 3DEXPERIENCE World 2020, as someone featured in past SOLIDWORKS Educational blogs, or from her appearance in our
... ContinuedSOLIDWORKS Apps for Kids Make Something That Moves!
Are you looking for a great STEM project for your classroom or your child learning in the classroom or from home?
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