What is 3DXpert for SOLIDWORKS?

3DXpert for SOLIDWORKS gives you a direct path to additive manufacture by allowing you to prepare, optimise and modify designs.

The 3DXpert add-in sits inside your software. It takes the native SOLIDWORKS data and imports it into the 3DXpert working environment. This allows you to get your design ready for additive manufacture.

How can I get access to it?

To use 3DXpert for SOLIDWORKS, you are required to have an on-subscription license of SOLIDWORKS Professional. You will also need a PC with minimum specs of 4 cores, 16GB RAM, a graphics card that supports OpenGL 3.3 and has at least 1GB of memory.

You can download 3DXpert for SOLIDWORKS now.

What is the capability?

When your part has been transferred into 3DXpert, you can immediately go and check the printability of the part. You can also check set parameters such as thin walls, minimum hole sizes and gaps.




Once this is done, you can optimise the part orientation. This will allow you to minimise supports, the build platform and printing time.



After the desired orientation has been achieved, you can then modify geometry to suit your manufacturing needs. For example, shutting small holes so they can be accurately drilled at a later date, or adding material offsets for areas that need to be machined or threaded.



The next step is to create supports this can be done by automatically detecting areas that need support, or by manual addressing regions.




To minimise material used, a lattice can then be added to the internal geometry and can be graphically shown in real time. In addition to this, to stop material being trapped in the void, you can also add drain holes to allow for the material removal.



Now that the part geometry is optimised for printing, the print tray can be set up to print multiple parts. This will give a real time estimate on material volume, cost and time. When this is complete, we can calculate and review the slicing ready for printing.



Finally, you can output your geometry to the printer as either CLI, a mesh file or a 3MF.


A full list of the products capabilities is below with the standard edition coming within SOLIDWORKS which can be upgraded to the PRO edition.

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