Discover the new Area Light capability in SOLIDWORKS Visualize 2018

Author: Vicky Guignard; Javelin Technologies

What if I told you you could simply pick a point on your components, select a type of light and BOOM you have an ultra realistic reflection on your part ready to be rendered. It’s never been easier!  New in 2018, is the SOLIDWORKS Visualize Area Light tool which lets you do just that.

SOLIDWORKS Visualize Area Light

SOLIDWORKS Visualize 2018 Area Light

Here’s how the new SOLIDWORKS Visualize Area Light works:

You can create light sources simulated as rectangles, discs, spheres, and cylinders. These new, area light sources are extremely efficient and available in Fast mode and can replace the more manual “emissive plane” technique for creating simulated light cards in a scene used to provide more reflections in your geometry.

Other light creation and placement improvements allow you to create lights “on the fly” that are either matched to the current camera’s position and direction, or placed with a single click on the model to indicate where you want the light to shine.

Pick a target for the Area Light

Pick a target for the Area Light

You can create new lights by selecting Pick Target or Match Current Camera from the New Light menu. For example, on the Scenes tab, click Add and choose New Light, Pick Target, or Match Current Camera.

Area Tube Example

Area Tube Example

Javelin Technologies
Javelin Technologies is a provider of technology solutions since 1997. We are experts in 3D design and have helped thousands of companies with solutions for mechanical design, electrical design and 3D printing. Large or small, we have the skills, experience, and services to propel your organization to new heights so you can aim high.