3 Easy Ways to Focus on Your Model | Tech Tip Tuesday

SOLIDWORKS Champion Alin Vargatu showcases his favorite tips for focusing on your model: finding planes the easy way inside your assembly with the ‘Q’ key, breadcrumbs, and how to best use the component preview window.

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We hope this tutorial helps you on your design journey! Check back every Tuesday for more SOLIDWORKS tips and tricks.

Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp. offers complete 3D software tools that let you create, simulate, publish, and manage your data. SolidWorks products are easy to learn and use, and work together to help you design products better, faster, and more cost-effectively. The SolidWorks focus on ease-of-use allows more engineers, designers and other technology professionals than ever before to take advantage of 3D in bringing their designs to life.