xDesign Tips and Tricks…valuable knowledge for even the newbie!

There are a several workflow scenarios that you can do in xDesign, that do not exist in SOLIDWORKS.  Some of these workflows and functions have made their way into SOLIDWORKS as well, like the Shaded Sketch Contour and Breadcrumb features.  The former function was created in xDesign and the latter was conceived in a 3DExperience platform product and debuted in SOLIDWORKS in 2016.



Here is a list of other features and workflows that exist in xDesign that have more capability and functionality than in SOLIDWORKS.  Which features or workflows would you like to see in SOLIDWORKS?

  • Full Round Fillet by selecting multiple faces and edges


  • Creating fillets (in one feature) to multi body parts


  • Super feature subset and options


  • Super feature in use


  • Snapping sketches to other sketches


  • Design Guidance tool in xDesign


  • Quick Fillets


  • File ownership locking feature


  • Interactive Triad


  • Creating planes


In addition to the above workflows and capabilities, xDesign has a limited set of keyboard shortcuts compared to SOLIDWORKS.  This list will grow with each update, below are the shortcuts available to users today.

Spacebar: View cube

ESC: Exits

F1: Launches the help

Ctrl+S: Save

N: Normal To

F: Zoom to Fit

L: Line commandl

Arrow Keys: Rotate the model in that direction

Control + arrow keys: Pans the model in that direction

Shift + arrow keys:  Spins the model 90 degrees in that direction

Control+Z:  Undo

Control+Y: Redo

Want to try #xDesign to try your favorite feature?  Click this link xdesign.solidworks.com to join the xDesign Lighthouse Program.

Ed Gebo

Owner & Designer of Digital Detail & Design. Lover of Life! I can talk craft beer just as good as I can SOLIDWORKS. Follow your passion and make a difference!