How to make SOLIDWORKS Smart Components even smarter with Autosize
Author: Sanja Srzic – Javelin Technologies
When SOLIDWORKS smart components with autosize option are inserted in an assembly and mated concentric, their configuration matches the diameter of the mating component based on predefined values.
In this example, the bushing is a smart component. The goal is to insert the bushing into an assembly and match the size of the pin.
The bushing has the inside diameter configured.
Configure Dimension
In a defining assembly, a pin and bushing are mated concentric. The pin does not require additional configurations. Select the Bushing and select Tools > Make Smart Component.
Make Smart Component command
In the Auto Size section of the Smart Component PropertyManager, enable the option Diameter. Pick the inner cylinder of the smart component as the Concentric mate reference. Click Configurator Table. For each configuration of the smart component define the matching range of the pin diameter and click OK.
Create Configurations
When a smart autosized component is mated to a pin, its configuration updates automatically to match the pin diameter as long as it is within the range specified in the Configurator table.
Use the Insert Component command for the smart component and create a concentric mate on the go. Bushing configuration will adjust to the pin diameter.
Bushing size adjusts automatically when inserted