student contest
NAFEMS Student Design Contest in Simulation
Since as long as I can remember, NAFEMS has set the standard to promote the safe and reliable use of finite element and related technology. For quality control, NAFEMS Benchmarks are used in simulation and analysis code by SOLIDWORKS, SIMULIA
... ContinuedAAKRUTI Global 2024: Sustainable Student Design Contest for World Innovators
I am excited to introduce this week’s guest writer, my colleague, Shubham Arora, education advocate, technical consultant for Dassault Systèmes, and this year’s coordinator of AAKRUTI Global 2024, A sustainable product design contest for student innovators in 12 countries. AAKRUTI
... ContinuedSOLIDWORKS xDesign Challenge for INDIA
Announcing the SOLIDWORKS xDesign Challenge for INDIA! This is the first design challenge using SOLIDWORK xDesign for all students across India. Student teams will have the opportunity to design and collaborate to win a Mega Sponsorship Award. The top three
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