VEX ROBOTICS Certified Component Supplier on 3D ContentCentral
VEX ROBOTICS manufactures robot components for classroom instruction and the largest robot competitions in the world. If you are designing robots, using the Certified Component Supplier library on can save you time. You can find the complete VEX ROBOTICS catalog here.
Component descriptions with thumbnails help you decide on the right component for your robot.
Thanks to advanced web technology, you can manipulate the VEX ROBOTICS component with the embedded eDrawing viewer. There are three versions of SOLIDWORKS to choose from. You can also embed the eDrawing into your own web page and share with a friend.
The VEX ROBOTICS files have been simplified to make assemblies lighter with higher performance. If you do not have SOLIDWORKS, you can download files in a variety of 3D and 2D formats.
3D ContentCentral now has a new modern look and feel, making it easier for you to browse the website to find CAD models, library features, 2D blocks, and macros. Plus with advanced search capabilities, you can search from a database of hundreds of thousands of CAD models and millions of configurations in just seconds and can filter your search request by Supplier, Content Type, 3D ContentCentral Category, Tags, and Country.
We wish you the best in your robot competition and thank you VEX ROBOTICS for sharing with the SOLIDWORKS Community. Marie