Brewing with Electricity: The SOLIDWORKS Brewery Video Part 5: The Boil Phase
Now that we’ve rinsed our grains and captured all of the sugar, we need to bring our wort up to boil temperature. This boil phase is where we really start to notice a change due to the sharp aroma of our hops. However, none of this would be possible without some of the amazing equipment we are using as well. Learn how we can create what is known as a Super Part to account for all of the various components that make up one larger part – such as our kettle.
... ContinuedUnveiling the SOLIDWORKS Path to the Future of Design
In this post, Gian Paolo Bassi lays out the future roadmap for SOLIDWORKS.
... ContinuedSchooled in SOLIDWORKS Series: Shockingly good tips from a SOLIDWORKS Electrical Technical Manager
Level-up your SOLIDWORKS skills as our inside experts reveal features you never knew existed. In this month’s webinar, find out how you can use SOLIDWORKS Electrical to slash manufacturing costs through automated routing. The best way to learn is
... ContinuedIntegrating Your MCAD-ECAD Design Workflow
Every engineer knows the pitfalls that await when the electrical and mechanical sides of your design fail to integrate their workflows and data. A breakdown in communication leads to rising costs when it comes time for fabrication, with costly prototypes
... ContinuedDesign Automation, Not Frustration: Let SOLIDWORKS Electrical Manage Your Part Data
One of the most interesting aspects of working for DS SOLIDWORKS is that we get to meet and learn from the wide range of customers we serve. What is sometimes surprising is how many of them share the same challenges
... ContinuedRecorded Webinar: Charge Up the Power on Electrical Design
Currently, many electrical and mechanical design engineers work separately, using two different sets of tools, which often short-circuits productivity by adding errors and miscommunication.Sharing designs between departments can be sporadic and inconsistent with little collaboration. SOLIDWORKS Electrical is a highly
... ContinuedSOLIDWORKS Electrical: Why Software Architecture Matters
When companies choose which software tools to use, the technology and architecture that is used in the applications is often lost to cost, features and functionality. Are the components used to build the application widely used or is there antiquated
... ContinuedAre You Still Manually Entering Data to Your Electrical Designs?
How often do you find yourself manually entering in peripheral information, such as cable references, symbol marks, wire numbers, or even manufacturer part information? Personally, there have been times where I have spent hours – if not days – entering
... ContinuedSOLIDWORKS 2016: Helping Enhance the Design Detail in Your Product
As designs get more complex they often also involve more mechanical/electrical and electronic dependencies. This typically requires packaging all of the systems and controls more tightly together, while still maintaining enough space for installation and future servicing. In the past,
... ContinuedCan You Be Sure That Your Schematics are Completely Accurate?
As an electrical engineer with over 12 years of experience, I will be honest with you and say that in almost every project I’ve ever worked on, I’ve needed to go back and re-check my customer deliverables – such as
... ContinuedSOLIDWORKS 2014 vs. SOLIDWORKS 2016
Though Back to the Future predicted the existence of drones, mobile devices, digital payment, hands-free game consoles, Nike self-lacing sneakers, video communication technology, hoverboards, and video glasses, even Doc and Marty McFly couldn’t anticipate the future of CAD. You can
... ContinuedTake Electrical Design to the Next Dimension with SOLIDWORKS Electrical
One of the main complaints that I hear from electrical engineers is that the software they use to design schematics does not have the user (or electrical users) in mind. They have too many icons and were not truly developed
... ContinuedIntroducing the New SOLIDWORKS 2016 Ecosystem
As we launch SOLIDWORKS 2016, not only are we launching best-in-class CAD (SOLIDWORKS Standard, Professional and Premium), but also improved functionality for Electrical (2D Schematic and 3D), Simulation (Structural, Flow and Plastics), SOLIDWORKS PDM Standard and Professional (formerly EPDM), SOLIDWORKS
... ContinuedEmerging Technologies are Newest Cancer-Fighting Weapons
Researchers and doctors worldwide have waged a war on cancer for decades, yet despite advancements on a myriad of fronts, we’re still short of victory. A new discovery, however, that harnesses the power of the body’s own immune system is
... ContinuedBreakthrough Cancer Treatment Through Innovative Design
As the portfolio manager for SOLIDWORKS Electrical, I have the opportunity to visit many companies and see many remarkable designs and products that our customers create. Recently, I visited ProNova and from the minute I walked in the building, I
... Continued