Why you should use the defeature tool in SOLIDWORKS 2019
Fully detailed models have their benefits such as accurate BOMs, machining instructions, precise simulations, and true to life renders. As great as fully featured models and assemblies are, in some scenarios a defeatured version has benefits of it’s own. For example, the performance of large assembly with hundreds of iterations of the same bolt can be greatly improved by removing the threads of that bolt. This saves the assembly from generating the graphic triangles of the threads (of the hundreds of iterations) that can’t be seen anyways. Defeaturing models is also useful for proprietary reasons like sharing models outside of the organization. Defeaturing models is simple and fast so you can reduce your models for whatever function is required.
In this quick video, Application Engineer; Colin Murphy, highlights the new enhancements in SOLIDWORKS 2019 defeaturing! Learn the new functions and uses it offers for your model or assembly.