Making Things Possible

In the SOLIDWORKS community, we are fortunate to meet talented innovators that are making a difference in people’s lives.  Many volunteer their time with organizations that do good for others.  Last month, I was fortunate to learn about that designs and builds equipment to help people live more independently.

My friend Sam Cullen from our VAR Solid Solutions UK introduced me to one such innovator, Henry Kirby.

I asked Henry how he got started with Remap. Henry stated, “”Following my redundancy from a job I had for 27 years, I mentioned to our vicar and his wife at a quiz night at my wife’s school..  I thought it would be far more rewarding to employ my knowledge and skills to help the disabled. Within a day,  our vicar’s wife had come up with information about Remap, the rest is history as they say.”

Henry’s current project is a tongue operated USB mouse for clients with Motor Neurone Disease (MND) or Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in the later stages, such that they have little or no movement, apart from neck articulation.

Remap projects cover a wide field of designs.  Most of Henry’s projects fall into mechanical or electro-mechanical devices such as a generic throwing frame for disabled athletes, newspaper/magazine page turners, and robot feeding machines, to name a few.

Henry also stated there is no shortage of help.  “Many of the projects undertaken are not solely electro-mechanical, Fortunately Remap team panels tend to have an excellent mix of engineers with varied skill-sets, from carpenters to rocket scientists, so that when I need an electronics wizard there is always a couple guys I can call in.”

With so much product development experience, Henry has great advice to young designers, “There is no substitute for hands-on experience making products and the corollary is, there is nothing worse than designing a product that can’t be made. As a visiting lecturer at the University of Hertfordshire, I saw first-hand some extraordinary student concepts created in the CPU of a CAD system, that were largely flawed because said student had never worked on a lathe or mill.”

I couldn’t agree with Henry more – even working for SOLIDWORKS – you can design anything.  But you also have to make certain your design can be produced.

David Martin is the Chief Executive at Remap and they are always looking for help.  For more information on Remap  visit here.

Thank you Henry, David, and Sam for sharing with the SOLIDWORKS community,  Marie




Marie Planchard

Marie Planchard

Senior Director, Early Engagement, 3DEXPERIENCE Works at Dassault Systemes
Marie Planchard is an education and engineering advocate. As Senior Director of Education & Early Engagement, SOLIDWORKS, she is responsible for global development of content and social outreach across all levels of learning including educational institutions, Fab Labs, and entrepreneurship.
Marie Planchard