SOLIDWORKS Entrepreneur: SINN Power Making Waves Power Your Community
SINN Power brings cost-efficient, reliable and easy-to-install renewable electricity from ocean waves to people on coasts all over the world. Taking the power of the waves and converting it in to a sustainable power source. Starting out first as academic PhD research and transforming into a government funded project and finally becoming a startup company, SINN Power has come a long way since its initial idea in 2008.
SINN Power uses floating wave energy converters to generate sustainable electricity from ocean waves in a cost-efficient, reliable and simple way through mass-manufactured repeating components. ISO containers allow for the optimization of shipping easily to even the remotest coasts. The simple installation and maintenance allows for the wave energy converter to be used by countries that have less developed infrastructures. The lower costs and renewable electricity provided by SINN Power’s converters contributes to a more successful global energy transition away from other alternatives like diesel generators.
SINN Power has gone for a CAD design in the lab to a full-scale working prototype wave energy module in the ocean in less than two years at the faction of the cost of other developers. The team has been getting a lot of support through the German government’s “EXIST” funding grant program.
I had the pleasure communicating with Co-founder and CFO, Tristan Jochner, and Co-founder and Marketing and Publicity correspondent, Rike Brand, about SINN Power’s experience. Jochner expressed SINN Power’s desire to become a simple, cost-efficient concept that focuses on a market with a high demand and lower entry barriers. “SINN Power saves time and money until market readiness by using all the possibilities of current engineering and simulation software, including SOLIDWORKS. We found out about the SOLIDWORKS through our distributor MB CAD. We went with SOLIDWORKS because it was more affordable than competitors.”
SINN Power looks forward to marketing to coastal communities and consumer’s on remote islands such as hotels or tourism resorts that can benefit from affordable sustainable wave power. SINN Power will be providing electricity into the grid at an industrial scale by installing their wave energy converters between offshore wind farms.
Thank you to Tristan Jochner, Rike Brand and SINN Power for being SOLIDWORKS Entrepreneurs and sharing with our community.