Sogang University Korean Researchers Innovate Wearable Robot Technology with SOLIDWORKS

MOU Sogang University and SOLIDWORKS

Innovation in robotic technology is expanding all over the world.  Sogang University, department of mechanical engineering, researchers and students create the wearable robot, ANGELEGS and the WalkON Suit.  Last week, Kenneth CLAYTON, Senior VP of Dassault Systemes SOLIDWORKS and Chulsoo LEE, Dean of Mechanical Engineering, Sogang University, participated in the MOU ceremony for the advancement of wearable robot development in Korea.

MOU ceremony with Sogang Univ

Professor Kyungchul KONG of Sogang University and his research team have developed various wearable robots with SOLIDWORKS to support physically challenged people who are unable to walk.

Sogang University Robotic Technology

ANGELEGS, the wearable robot, is for patients or older people who have weak muscular strength.

Sogang University Wearable Robot Technology 3

The WalkON Suit is a wearable robot helping completely paralyzed  people to walk with sensing the user’s intention and moving switches and motors according to the sensed intention.

Sogang University Wearable Robot Technology 4

Dassault Systemes and Sogang University will collaborate for the future development of wearable robots and young talent.

Prof KONG’s team is preparing to participate in ‘Cybathlon’, Robot Olympics, Switzerland, for complete paralysis walking with wearing robots in the advancement of assistive technologies.

SOLIDWORKS Walkon_Sogang University

Prof KONG explains “Wearable robots have many variables to consider as it should be used with real humans. With using intuitive solutions of DS SOLIDWORKS, I could conveniently proceed with design, verification, communication, data management and more. With collaboration with Dassault Systemes, I will accelerate research on wearable robots not only for medical purpose but also for older people”

Innovative researchers around the world use SOLIDWORKS Research for innovative product develop. We love to share your stories.

Ken, Myoungjoo and SOLIDWORKS Korean team – thank you for sharing with our community about your experience with these talented researchers and students at Sogang University.  Their innovation in Korea’s wearable robot industry is amazing  Marie

Marie Planchard

Marie Planchard

Senior Director, Early Engagement, 3DEXPERIENCE Works at Dassault Systemes
Marie Planchard is an education and engineering advocate. As Senior Director of Education & Early Engagement, SOLIDWORKS, she is responsible for global development of content and social outreach across all levels of learning including educational institutions, Fab Labs, and entrepreneurship.
Marie Planchard