See What’s New in SOLIDWORKS Education Edition 2016-2017

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SOLIDWORKS is used by over 3 million students to get the best jobs and the best careers. With educator support from our SOLIDWORKS Value Added Resellers, free student home use licensing, and certification exams, it’s no wonder why 30,000 schools use SOLIDWORKS and over 75,000 students have achieved Certified SOLIDWORKS Association (CSWA) Certification.

Click SolidWorks Education Edition 2016-2017 to see a preview.

We have been hard at work all year and are now ready to roll out new, user-requested features in SOLIDWORKS Education Edition 2016-2017. We’ve added new tools to empower educators and students to innovate better and faster.

Check out this preview of SOLIDWORKS Education Edition enhancements to help you solve complex problems faster and earlier, streamline all parallel design processes, seamlessly connect electrical and mechanical design, and collaborate across multiple disciplines. The result: you can focus on design, not CAD.

With SOLIDWORKS Education Edition 2016-2017:
• Engage with experts and see how SOLIDWORKS tools empower innovation
• Get skilled on the advanced tools and improved graphical interface
• Look under the hood at automated features that focus you on design
• Gain insight into the industry-specific tools that address your unique needs
• Swap tips & tricks with peers from your local SOLIDWORKS Community

CONTACT ACADEMIC SALES today and take advantage of SOLIDWORKS Education Edition 2016-2017.

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Thank you to our community of students, educators, commercial users, SWUGN leaders, partners and resellers for #SOLIDWORKSisEverywhere. Marie

Marie Planchard

Marie Planchard

Senior Director, Early Engagement, 3DEXPERIENCE Works at Dassault Systemes
Marie Planchard is an education and engineering advocate. As Senior Director of Education & Early Engagement, SOLIDWORKS, she is responsible for global development of content and social outreach across all levels of learning including educational institutions, Fab Labs, and entrepreneurship.
Marie Planchard