SOLIDWORKS Research Turns the Best Ideas into Big Results for University of Stuttgart

SolidWorks Research Stuttgart Sofia Project

The University of Stuttgart, DSI and NASA uses the SOLIDWORKS Research Edition to design the Stratospheric Observatory For Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) to research the development of young stars and planetary systems and the Milky Way.

For 20 years, SOLIDWORKS recognizes that the research of today quickly becomes the commercial technology of tomorrow.

SolidWorks Research InfoGraphic

The SOLIDWORKS Research Info Graphic answers questions about which SOLIDWORKS edition do you require.  Researchers need to select the correct SOLIDWORKS edition early in their design and analysis process.

Watermarks, usage restrictions and version incompatibility limit external collaboration and technology transfer, often forcing researchers to recreate their designs for publications, patents, intellectual property or external project deliverables.

If your research involves developing intellectual property, applying for patents or publishing results from internally or externally funded projects—the SOLIDWORKS Research Edition is the right tool for you; all at preferential research pricing. The full suite of CAD/CAE products available for Research includes:

  • SOLIDWORKS 3DCAD–the industry leading CAD tool
  • SOLIDWORKS Simulation–advanced analysis at your fingertips
  • SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation–complex CFD analysis in a simple interface
  • SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM–universal file management and revision control for collaboration
  • SOLIDWORKS Electrical–2D schematic linked to 3D modeling tool for electromechanical systems
  • SOLIDWORKS Composer–technical communication, documentation and instruction
  • SOLIDWORKS Visualize–create photo realistic content possible
  • SOLIDWORKS Partner Products–full compatibility with Gold Partner Solutions
  • Special pricing for Research applications
  • Network and Site Licensing Available

Already using SOLIDWORKS Research Edition? Contact us to learn about network and site licensing.

CONTACT RESEARCH SALES to turn your best ideas into big results with the SOLIDWORKS Research Edition.

SOLIDWORKS Researchers are everywhere creating the most amazing products!  Thank you University of Stuttgart, DSI, SOFIA for sharing your story with the SOLIDWORKS Community.  Marie


Marie Planchard

Marie Planchard

Senior Director, Early Engagement, 3DEXPERIENCE Works at Dassault Systemes
Marie Planchard is an education and engineering advocate. As Senior Director of Education & Early Engagement, SOLIDWORKS, she is responsible for global development of content and social outreach across all levels of learning including educational institutions, Fab Labs, and entrepreneurship.
Marie Planchard