Manchester UK: From Industrial Revolution to FABLAB Evolution

SolidWorks Vists FabLab Manchester Truss by Canel

Manchester, UK, a city known for the Industrial Revolution, now is home to one of the largest revitalization areas of engineering design technology.  FABLAB Manchester UK is a great example of how the Fab Foundation is bringing together .org through community, .edu through education, and .com through entrepreneurship.

FABLAB Manchester & Ellesmere PortUK Manager, Dr David Armson  shared his vision during last month’s visit.  David and I met 2 years ago at FABLAB 10 in Barcelona.   Now Manchester and surrounding communities are benefiting from David’s vision.

SolidWorks Vists FabLab Manchester David Tour4

Popular activities include working with wood,

SolidWorks Vists FabLab Manchester David Tour3

3D Printing in ABS and other polymers,

SolidWorks Vists FabLab Manchester David Tour

and laser etching in multiple materials.

SolidWorks Vists FabLab Manchester Entrepreneur 2

David explained how members of FABLAB Manchester have gone on to make a difference.  Six architecture students have developed a “Contemplation Station” prototype structure.

SolidWorks Vists FabLab Manchester David Tour2

On weekends, artists hold classes for younger student designers in 3D Printed  fashion design wearables and learning to use the tools in the FABLAB.  David is also reaching out to teachers to build their skills.

SolidWorks Vists FabLab Manchester Entrepreneur

New ideas are launched from the entrepreneur spirit of the FabLab, for example,  producing a new connector for the MacBook has created a new type of start-up.

SolidWorks Vists FabLab Manchester Michael

While I was there, a mold designer came in for some advice from Michael and used SOLIDWORKS to illustrate the problem and determine the solution.

FabLabs near ManchesterUK

And FABLABS are growing beyond Manchester.  This year, a FABLAB London opened providing more access to design and making.

Thank you David and FABLAB Manchester UK for sharing with the SOLIDWORKS Community.  Marie

Marie Planchard

Marie Planchard

Senior Director, Early Engagement, 3DEXPERIENCE Works at Dassault Systemes
Marie Planchard is an education and engineering advocate. As Senior Director of Education & Early Engagement, SOLIDWORKS, she is responsible for global development of content and social outreach across all levels of learning including educational institutions, Fab Labs, and entrepreneurship.
Marie Planchard