TINSI Race Cars Develops Future Engineers of India

Zubia Nasir JB Academy SHARPS on SOLIDWORKS
To get the best designers and engineers, you have to start early.  That is why TINSI Race Cars created the SHARP initiative to develop future engineering design professionals in India. Miss Zubia Nasir, 8th grade, JB Academy, expresses her dreams about being a designer and using SOLIDWORKS in TINSI’s story.  Zubia is not just learning about race car design, she is thinking about how to design products that will help the elderly and  quality of living.

SolidWorks For CAR design

The program is called Shaping Hobbyists and Admirers into Real Professionals (SHARP).  SHARP teachers students the fundamentals of CAR design using SOLIDWORKS.  Students use their ideas to grow further in the program.

TINSI SHARPS Middle School India

Students spend time with TINSI engineers in the workshop and also in the classroom.

At a recent middle school video, you can take a look inside the classroom at what students are doing.  You can follow the SHARPS program here,


Thank you TINSI Race Cars for developing the SHARPS program for both boys and especially girls.  Thank you too for sharing with the SolidWorks Community.  Marie


Marie Planchard

Marie Planchard

Senior Director, Early Engagement, 3DEXPERIENCE Works at Dassault Systemes
Marie Planchard is an education and engineering advocate. As Senior Director of Education & Early Engagement, SOLIDWORKS, she is responsible for global development of content and social outreach across all levels of learning including educational institutions, Fab Labs, and entrepreneurship.
Marie Planchard