The Revolution of the Teaching of Design: the new ISO and ASME – ADM 2014
Italians are revolutionary in teaching engineering design. At the ADM (Associazione Nazionale Disegno di Macchine) Conference dedicated to teaching new ISO and ASME drawing standards was the main topic of this year’s May conference held at Polytechnic of Turin. The ADM was sponsored by SolidWorks Value Added Reseller Nouvamacut,
Change to incorporate 3D standards into drawings is coming throughout the world. These topics need to be taught and students will be required to implement new 3D standards in their careers.
Professors Tornincasa and Bonisoli spoke on the Analysis of new ISO and ASME standards, provided examples of drawings, and discussed the effects and impacts of teaching,
SolidWorks and Nouvamacut also supported ADM with a student design contest. Judging was difficult. Congratulations to all the participants.
First Place – ITIS Fermi Treviso
Second Place: ITI Cannizzaro Catania
Third Place: IPSIA Meucci Acireale
Thank you Alessandro Tornincasa for sharing with the SolidWorks Community. Marie