CAD Final Exam To Last a Lifetime

CSWA Sample Exam 
Wow,  then end of March finds me visiting so many schools.  Students are busy with engineering projects and competitions.  Instuctors have so much to do during this time between final exams, graduation, grant proposals,  and writing letters of recommendation for their students.

Instructors giving the Certified SolidWorks Associate Exam (CSWA Exam) as their final exam will just save time.  This year we receive email after email from students telling us how the CSWA certification helped them get a job.  So the CSWA has become the best exam for design studnets as companies require mutliple SolidWorks certifications during an employee's career.

Engineering design professors are requiring their tutors to be CSWA certified – making 100's of freshman students to ask the tutors more questions during lab and to get the right answers – reducing frustration. 

As the SolidWorks Certification grows in industry to over 90,000+, any school on subscription can apply to give the CSWA exam. All problems are unique and automatically graded.  The CSWA exam is available in 10 languages.  It is the first exam in a series of life long learning competencies in engineering design including sheet metal, molding, weldments, finite element analysis and advanced modeling techniques.  


For instructors who give the CSWA exam, information on each student's competencies and areas of improvement are provided.  Students must know how to read multiview engineering drawings and create an accurate models.

Sample CSWA exam: Download CSWASampleExam

The application for your school to become a CSWA provider is at

When I was teaching, I know how challanging it was to come up with final exams for multiple sections – especially in 3D CAD.  The CSWA would have saved me alot of time and given my students a leg up in a tough job market.






Marie Planchard

Marie Planchard

Senior Director, Early Engagement, 3DEXPERIENCE Works at Dassault Systemes
Marie Planchard is an education and engineering advocate. As Senior Director of Education & Early Engagement, SOLIDWORKS, she is responsible for global development of content and social outreach across all levels of learning including educational institutions, Fab Labs, and entrepreneurship.
Marie Planchard