Formula SAE Michigan – the final day

Well the endurance test is today with all these engineering students trying to get the best performance out of their cars.  Rose-Hulman exemplifies a team that can come back and keep getting stronger.  They were a pleasure to watch.

RoseHulman FSAE 2012

Perhaps one of my  biggest surprises seeing my colleagues son, Tyler Smith as part of 30 students that were the UConn FSAE team.  Tyler was a little kid when I first gave his dad a copy of SolidWorks to try.  Now a mechanical engineering student, the rest of the story can only bring a great future.

UConn FSAE Tyler Smith 2012

So where is the WPI team that I followed so closely last year – for my husband, David is their faculty mentor.  Well this year that had a few engine issues in the last week and decided wait until next year but in the spirit of FSAE, the young WPI team came to watch and learn.


Last night, I was honored to receive the SAE Breed award.  Normally the award is giving out at the SAE World Congress, but I guess it was ment for me to receive it in a place I felt the most comfortable – around students.

 Marie Planchard SAE J Cordell Breed Award

Tonight we switched hotels to be closer to the airport.  I happened to meet the Pirate Racing F1inSchools team in the elevator.  They finished 2nd in the US finals that entitles them to go to the world finals.  I gave my business card to the young SolidWorks designer so I can send her the new Student Edition.  I know she will design great things this summer.

To my EDU colleagues, thank you Christain, Chris and Ryan for making a great week.  And thank you Jeremy R for helping out so many students with their SolidWorks questions – it's great to have you on the team here in your home state of Michigan.  Marie

SolidWorks EDU team in Michigan for FSAE

Marie Planchard

Marie Planchard

Senior Director, Early Engagement, 3DEXPERIENCE Works at Dassault Systemes
Marie Planchard is an education and engineering advocate. As Senior Director of Education & Early Engagement, SOLIDWORKS, she is responsible for global development of content and social outreach for the 3DEXPERIENCE Works products across all levels of learning including educational institutions, Fab Labs, and entrepreneurship.
Marie Planchard