SolidWorks Education at SolidWorks World 2012

SolidWorks World 2012 starts Sunday in beautiful San Diego where engineers and designers gather together to celebrate design and innovation.  There are so many SolidWorks educators and students coming to SolidWorks World that I thought I would summarize the SolidWorks World events as they relate to education.


SWWorld Product Show Case
There ere are education break-out sessions dedicated to middle school, high school, technical vocation, and college and university instruction.  Here are some examples of the upcoming breakout sessions, Elise Moss, Laney College and coordinator of the SolidWorks Users Groupin Oakland California, reviews how she takes students from nothing to a full blown project in under 12 weeks with SolidWorks.  Ashland Brown, University of the Pacific, illustrates the Finite Element learning and assessment modules with SolidWorks  to make analysis concepts easier for students to understand.    I was fortunate to write Ash's letters of recommendation to NSF for this grant that has been renewed. 

Patrick Curran takes you through the design projects of over 1400 high school teachers that use SolidWorks to teach core geometry and product design assessements to 142,000 Irish students.  Ramanath Hassan presents on the precision engineering courses developed for his students at the Institute of Technical Education(ITE) Singapore. 

If you want to learn more techniques about using SolidWorks software, there are hundreds of break-out sessions from our SolidWorks commercial users in CAD Administration, Customer Successes, Data Management, Design Automation, Design Communication, Design Validation, Modeling Essentials and Productivity Tools.  There are so many great topics, it is hard to choose.

Sunday will start with a teacher workshop for educators in the San Diego area.  Educators will also have an opportunity to take our SolidWorks certification exams or register for your school to become a CSWA Provider.

The SolidWorks Educator Welcome Reception is at 4:30 pm on Sunday.  The first time I came to SolidWorks World, I was a customer.  I was overwhelmed.  This reception helps educators get oriented and meet up with other SolidWorks educators.   The Partner Pavilion exhibition hall opens on Sunday night and there you see student designs.  This year engineering students from San Diego Robotics Club, University of Southern Nevada, Cal Poly and UCSD will bring their cars, robots and a submarine – you can see the actual products that compete in national and world competition.

Wednesday is my favorite day – that is SolidWorks Student day.  We bring students from local schools and talk about students’ accomplishments and passion with SolidWorks.   There are many surprises on Wednesday – but you will have to wait until later, because it’s a surprise. 

Hope to see you at SolidWorks World!

Marie Planchard

Marie Planchard

Senior Director, Early Engagement, 3DEXPERIENCE Works at Dassault Systemes
Marie Planchard is an education and engineering advocate. As Senior Director of Education & Early Engagement, SOLIDWORKS, she is responsible for global development of content and social outreach across all levels of learning including educational institutions, Fab Labs, and entrepreneurship.
Marie Planchard