3DEXPERIENCE World 2025 Will Be Here Soon – Save the Date!

If you haven’t already, it’s time to save the date for 3DEXPERIENCE World 2025, being held February 23-26, 2025, to join us at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston, Texas!

One year ago, I shared my experience through the 18 “Worlds” I’d participated in via an invitation to save the date for 3DEXPERIENCE World 2025. I am Brenda Monahan, and I am responsible for the strategy and growth of the event. A year ago, I was new to the strategic planning role and excited to see what I could bring to future events. While I’d participated in planning different aspects of the event, there was so much I did not know or had not paid attention to.  A year later, I now have nineteen events under my belt and acknowledge that I am still learning and trying to find ways for our planning team to improve the event.

One of the most important things about this event is that it’s about YOU, our users, partners, exhibitors…our community. So, for the past few months, a small group of us has met with a larger group of you in the form of a Customer Advisory Committee to continue learning how to improve based on your feedback, both positive and negative. A lot of great suggestions have come out of those sessions.

Based on these discussions, we are adding and/or enhancing the following for 3DEXPERIENCE World 2025.

First-Time Attendee Sessions

When you register for 3DEXPERIENCE World, you are asked how many events you have attended. If you are a first-time attendee, we plan to have a pre-event webinar specifically to help you prepare for the event. Onsite, there will be opportunities to network with those attendees who have attended several sessions. All day Sunday and Monday morning, there will be an information desk near registration for first-time attendees looking for information and support. After the General Sessions, you can learn more and meet more users at the HIVE, which has relocated to the Playground.

Professional Development Track

Our hope when you attend 3DEXPERIENCE World is that you will leave not only as a better SOLIDWORKS and 3DEXPERIENCE platform user but also as a better engineer. Stay tuned for more details on this track, which will include a Women in Tech panel, a session on developing your presentation skills, and sessions on how to manage remote and/or diverse teams.

Women in Technology

As mentioned above, we are planning a panel session for Women in Technology. Additionally, we are planning a roundtable discussion and pre-Special Event networking session, which will be open to all but geared toward this population of attendees.


This is still a work in progress, but we plan to bring back Birds-of-a-feather and roundtables, but instead of having these conversations over lunch, we are dedicating a time slot for them.


Many of you mentioned wanting to have more networking opportunities. We have adjusted the agenda to allow for more time before General Sessions and during breaks, the HIVE is relocating to the playground, and there will be a couple of targeted networking sessions for our first-time attendees and women in technology. You asked for “quiet” spaces and we will have an area at the Tuesday Special Event where you can converse without shouting. Additionally, there will be multiple networking spots in the Playground and a “quiet” area on the convention center’s second floor.

These are just a few of the areas we are working on to improve your experience at 3DEXPERIENCE World. The entire 3DEXPERIENCE World Planning Committee invites you to save the date – February 23-26, 2025, to join us at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston.




Brenda Monahan

Brenda Monahan

Brenda Monahan is 3DEXPERIENCE Works Sr. Marketing Manager by day. Student of history, bibliophile, and runner by night. Sometimes traveler. Wife and Mom all the time.