Set Up and Validate Models Like a Champ with SOLIDWORKS Mate Support and Added Visualization
The latest update of 3D Motion Creator for kinematic analysis offers more ways to better visualize and understand how your models will behave in the real world. The R2023x FD01 release features 2D plot view capability for function shapes, 3D visualization of applied loads, and the ability to use native SOLIDWORKS mates and more.
Here’s a glimpse of what’s new:
- SOLIDWORKS Mates Support – quickly run motion studies on SOLIDWORKS native mates.
This is a huge time-saver. SOLIDWORKS users can now use native SOLIDWORKS mates in 3D Motion Creator with the new Mate Import command, so you do not have to recreate the mates. When you import the mates, they will automatically be converted to joints when you create your mechanism.

- New 2D Plot in Function Command – gain a better understanding of function shape at various stages based on data input.
When you set the input of your function definition, you can get a visual representation so you can quickly verify the function definition and identify any issues. For instance, you can evaluate what the length will be at various times of movement.

- 3D Visualization of Applied Loads – get a clearer sense of system behavior.
When you apply loads you can now see a 3D visualization of applied loads and driver velocities, enabling you to visualize the system more clearly.

- Support for 3D Contact Behaviors in 2D Plots – perform faster motion simulations.
Analyze models that include 3D contact situations with confidence and robustness with the ability to review maximum contact pressure and friction stress occurring in 2D plots.

- New Point-Surface Joint Capability – create and simulate a point-surface joint.
Explore more use case scenarios with the ability to set up models with point-on-surface interaction using the new Point-Surface joint capability in the Joint menu.
- Export 2D Results as .csv File – reuse exported results downstream.
Easily export 2D results as a .csv file (Excel file) to use in downstream workflows.

Overall, I think you’ll find this release has much to offer for faster set up and ways to evaluate more what-if scenarios. Let me know what you think in the comment section.
If you missed my last blog, you can read it here, and learn about cross-highlighting features, the new cylindrical bushing command and more.
For more information and a short demo go here.