Advanced Simulation Tools free for Student Competitions: FSAE, Formula Student, Shell Eco, Baja, Aero and More

For 25 years, SOLIDWORKS has supported over 300 student competitions around the world.  As industry requires more from engineering innovation, competitions have introduced new rules where Dassault Systemés advanced technology helps students simulate crash testing, composite materials, complex aerodynamics, and electromagnetics.


Student Team Sponsorship

SOLIDWORKS EDU team provides SOLIDWORKS desktop, Cloud Apps by SOLIDWORKS, and 3DEXPERIENCE Engineer, advanced software simulation technology with the Abaqus solver for structural analysis, CST Studio Suite for electro-magnetic analysis and Antenna Magus for antenna simulation. SOLIDWORKS tools and 3DEXPERIENCE Engineer are free to sponsored competitive teams. Apply here.


Structural and Flow Analysis (FEA and CFD)

My colleagues Shreyas Vaidya and Ramesh Lakshimipathy, engineers and analysts,  take you through multiple simulations in a Formula SAE vehicle during our webinar series with host GIan Calise.  Shreyas worked on vehicle design for his formula team while studying engineering in Pune at Sinhgad Academy of  Engineering (SAE).  Now, Shreyas uses the SOLIDWORKS Impact attenuator assembly and simulates a impact.   Ramesh takes you through an advanced fluid dynamics simulation using the Computational Fluid Dynamics Method (CFD) with the Fluid Dynamics Engineer app.

From SOLIDWORKS model to Abaqus Solver

Take you SOLIDWORKS data to the cloud and utilize our new Structural Simulation Technology apps.

  • Are you working with advanced materials such as crushable foam?
  • Do you have issues with fatigue?
  • Can you come up with an engineered car, well – documented for judges?

Starting from the SOLIDWORKS model from your PC, connect the data to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, our cloud based technology platform that allows you to share information amongst your teammates and use multiple cores  to solve tough problems more efficiently.

These tools go beyond SOLIDWORKS Simulation and SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation for PC.  Simulation tools use all one database – so you do not have to use different software applications and imported geometry.

3DEXPERIENCE Student Community

Shreyas also create a series of videos with his Formula SAE vehicle to help teams understand the process to use our advanced tools.

These videos live on our 3DEXPERIENCE Student Community.  The Student Community is free to join – but you need to create a 3DEXPERIENCE ID (Login).

Design well, Marie


Marie Planchard

Marie Planchard

Senior Director, Early Engagement, 3DEXPERIENCE Works at Dassault Systemes
Marie Planchard is an education and engineering advocate. As Senior Director of Education & Early Engagement, SOLIDWORKS, she is responsible for global development of content and social outreach for the 3DEXPERIENCE Works products across all levels of learning including educational institutions, Fab Labs, and entrepreneurship.
Marie Planchard