SOLIDWORKS SNL Options File Guide
The Options File can be used to return a license back to the pool when the SolidNetwork License manager (SNL) sees inactivity on a client machine. This is especially helpful when administering PDM, giving a company a tremendous amount of flexibility on how
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2013 Feature, Extrude Thins: This is an example of a “Y” intersection Thin Feature with an arc on the outside. Y and T type intersections were not allowed to be extruded as Thin features before SolidWorks 2013. Highlight the “Selected
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Machined Part: A block is extruded to mimic a billet of aluminum. The part will be shaped with a series of cuts representing how a CNC cutter would machine the part. This can also aid in later toolpath creation. Download:
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Mounting Bracket: This basic shape was created using the thin extrude feature in order to mimic sheet metal features. This method is used because it is easier to model this part with the thin feature extrudes than with the sheet
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Boundary Surface and Advanced Blending:The boundary surface builds the main body of the part. The edges of the tangency and draft helper are used for Direction 1 of the boundary surface. The surface is made tangent to both edges to
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Icosahedron: The top 5 faces of the icosahedron are made with a surface loft. The first profile is a sketch converted from the top faces layout sketch. The second profile is a 3D sketch that contains a single point made
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Analog Counter Wheel: The GearTrax2010 plug in was used to generate a profile for the gear which will advance the number wheel. The plug-in generates a part file with the desired gear profile. This sketch was copied from that part
... ContinuedAbout the SolidWorks Part Reviewer
An effective way to learn more about SolidWorks is to review how others developed their models. This can be done by using the rollback bar and then walk through step-by-step and see how each feature was created and learn how
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