Hokkaido Hakodate Technical High School Teaches Independent Creation for Student Success

Innovation in education resonates with educators at Hokkaido Hakodate Technical High School in Hokkaido, Japan. The school moto is “independent creation.”  We got to visit with Principal  Daizon Fujikawa and his students on this independent, innovative approach in education.

Note: English localization available on YouTube Closed Caption (CC).

“Emphasis is on  self-research and expressing thoughts and opinions rather than group work. It doesn’t matter if students are wrong, just as long as they say what they think. We teachers have a tendency to feel compelled to explain everything and get into all the details but here we prefer our students to freely express their own ideas and work together to create things on their own initiative.”

Such innovative thought begins from the top academic administration with teachers taking on the role of advisors and mentors to their students. Students are set on the path to think independently, work together and only seek teacher input when necessary. That way they can figure things out and actively pursue their own interests.

The curriculum and outcomes are always moving forward.  Each project is enriched with new skills.

To help in this innovative approach, Hokkaido Hakodate Technical High School has enhanced their SOLIDWORKS offering with the 3DEXPERIENCE platform by DASSAULT SYSTEMES, a technology platform that combines different applications in manufacturing, project planning and simulation, all connected to SOLIDWORKS for product design.

Students are learning real world concepts and skills in product life cycle, task management and product development.

We also got to interview Mr. Masao Hirobe in their machine shop and saw first hand how students are working together with the platform, SOLIDWORKS and SOLIDWORKS CAM.

Students also spend a great deal of time reverse engineering “broken” parts on their own.  Although they work mostly at school, the 3DEXPERIENCE platform allows students to work from home – or anywhere on their school supplied Chromebooks.  Students can keep track of projects with Project Planner and share ideas through the platform.

The SOLIDWORKS Certification program with the Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate exam (CSWA) was introduced two years ago, providing an industry recognized credential to their students.

Principal Fujikawa concluded, “The 3DEXPERIENCE (platform) has allowed me to save a significant amount of time on manufacturing. I want to teach students to safely operate machines, make things and build complete robots by themselves while encouraging such initiative. I want to train students to actively make their own suggestions and think for themselves rather than being passive sponges.  I consider that my goal and now I think it’s becoming a reality.”

Thank you Principal Fujikawa, Mr. Hirobe and students for sharing with the SOLIDWORKS community.  Thank you Junko Arai, SOLIDWORKS Japan for supporting educators and students with new innovative teaching tools with SOLIDWORKS and the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.

Design well,  Marie

Marie Planchard

Marie Planchard

Senior Director, Early Engagement, 3DEXPERIENCE Works at Dassault Systemes
Marie Planchard is an education and engineering advocate. As Senior Director of Education & Early Engagement, SOLIDWORKS, she is responsible for global development of content and social outreach across all levels of learning including educational institutions, Fab Labs, and entrepreneurship.