SOLIDWORKS Students are Everywhere

Watching the WPI FSAE team during Tilt Test at FORMULA Michigan makes you hold your breath and celebrate the accomplishments of so many young engineers.  The SOLIDWORKS team visits with 1000’s of students this time of year at SAE Collegiate Events, Maker Faire’s, Robotics competitions, graduations and more.

It is great to see so many wonderful designs and the products students create for senior capstone projects, the middle school science fairs, and Solar Car teams like CalSol from UC Berkeley.

The SAE Auto Drive Challenge did not disappoint us as we caught up with the team from North Carolina A&T.

The SOLIDWORKS R&D team was a hit at the regional science fair.

The SOLIDWORKS Certification team produced a new Additive Manufacturing exam and already students from Cerritos College sent us a proud photo of their certificates.

We got to catch up with students from Dos Pueblos in their amazing Science and Engineering tent at the Maker Faire.

The NYU Baja team made it all the way to California and this week will be competing in Oregon.

University of Akron showed us all about driving on Mars in the NASA RMC 2018.

We got to see our youngest new users at the Bay Area Maker Faire. This year we showcased SOLIDWORKS  AppsForKids.

And that was just May!  Its now June 1 and there will be more events.

SOLIDWORKS Student Teams can request SOLIDWORKS Sponsorship here.  This year we feature SOLIDWORKS CAM Professional with your sponsorship!

You can sign up for SOLIDWORKS AppsforKids at 

Thank you students for using SOLIDWORKS we appreciate your stories, photos, cards and letters.  But most of all we love to visit with you face to face!  Marie


Marie Planchard

Marie Planchard

Senior Director, Early Engagement, 3DEXPERIENCE Works at Dassault Systemes
Marie Planchard is an education and engineering advocate. As Senior Director of Education & Early Engagement, SOLIDWORKS, she is responsible for global development of content and social outreach across all levels of learning including educational institutions, Fab Labs, and entrepreneurship.
Marie Planchard