Date Night 3D Printing with Sindoh 3DWox

SolidWorks Interface with Sindoh

Friday night and another date night to look into 3D Printing.  Thanks to our new SOLIDWORKS partner, Sindoh, it’s time to bring home a bottle of wine and share with my husband, David, a new 3DPrint technology, 3Dwox.

Hats off to the engineers at Sindoh.  This 3D Printer is easy to unpack.  The night got better.  The 3Dwox printer is easy to set up and easy to just start printing  The cartridge filament slides into place. Material comes in PLA and ABS.  Time to put the pizza in the oven.

There are two ways to print – directly through the  Sindoh interface and through the Sindoh 3Dwox SOLIDWORKS Add In.    Currently, the Add In must be downloaded from the Sindoh website and installed on your computer with SOLIDWORKS 2016.  SOLIDWORKS 2016 based Education Edition Academic Year 2016- 2017 will be available in May 2016.

SolidWorks Teacher Blog Sindoh 3DWox 1

We found great jewelry – perfect for two mechanical engineers, the Thingiverse snap together heart pendant.  The first step is to print the gears.  The removable bed made it easy to access the gears. The heated plate makes the small gears adhere nicely.

SolidWorks Teacher Blog 3D Printer 2

With a putty knife,  David removed the gears – you need to get under the raft and twist with a bit of force.

SolidWorks Teacher Blog Removing the Raft

Use needle nose pillars to remove the raft.

Heart from Thingiverse 2

We printed the base and

Heart from Thingiverse

assembled the gears and Geneva drive.

Hearts and Gears from Thinkiverse

David and I had so much fun with the new Sindoh 3DWox.  We got carried away.  The 3D Printer is accurate and repeatable.

After attending Fab Foundation events, Fab10 Barcelona and Fab11 Boston, I became fascinated with low cost  3D Printing technology and rapid prototype hands. Fab Labs around the world have teamed up to make hands of all sizes for children and adults in need.

SolidWorks Teacher Blog Date Night Hands

Luckily David and his WPI students have a similar passion – but that story will revolve around another date night.  Marie




Marie Planchard

Marie Planchard

Senior Director, Early Engagement, 3DEXPERIENCE Works at Dassault Systemes
Marie Planchard is an education and engineering advocate. As Senior Director of Education & Early Engagement, SOLIDWORKS, she is responsible for global development of content and social outreach across all levels of learning including educational institutions, Fab Labs, and entrepreneurship.
Marie Planchard