David Colbert, SolidWorks Geometric Sculptor of Platonic Solids
The space between art and engineering is extremely small. Geometric sculptor, David Colbert, uses SolidWorks to inspire young and old with Geometry.
David uses SolidWorks in the following ways: designing sculpture; 3-D printing; and making animations based on a space-filling grid.
Examples can be found on his website.
David learned of SolidWorks in 2002. He met a kindly professor, Paul Kieffer, at Naugatuck Valley Community College, in Connecticut. Paul was intrigued that an artist, one who hardly knew how to use a computer at the time, wanted to join his engineering students.
Soon he stopped making David attend class and instead offered private tutorials. Paul assigned his most advanced students the job of building the Platonic Solids within SolidWorks. I remember Paul talking to me about this student (David) such a long time ago when I was teaching at Mass Bay Community College.
David’s work is now featured in museums and galleries and he continues to see SolidWorks as an inspiration in teaching Geometry.
You can find out more about David work, his current showings, animations and designs here.
David, thank you for sharing with the SolidWorks Community. You know the community college and its instructors have a special place in my heart. Marie